Trend colors 2014

With the onset of the warm season, the color in clothes and hairstyles becomes more important. Let's analyze the trends in the color decisions of the new season together so that any chosen image is not only stylish, but also trendy.

Fashionable shades of hair

The main trend hair color of 2014 is the natural shades of black, red and blond. These colors are always relevant, only subtle nuances of their shades are modified.

Blondes should give preference to warm tones - a hint of caramel, honey, golden decorate your hair and give a gentle femininity.

Trend colors of dark hair are chestnut shades, and among the variety of red tones , copper is preferred. Whichever hair color you choose, be sure to take into account the color of the skin and eye color when staining.

Fashionable colors of clothes

As for clothing, in 2014, clear leadership is given to saturated bright colors. The summer of 2014 brings trend colors to vogue, which can be called poisonous: these are mottled shades of blue, bright and juicy overflows of yellow, rich lilac colors, and juicy shades of red and orange.

But this does not stop there! The trendy colors of dresses in the summer of 2014 will be so "poisonous" that they can be called "neon": light green, pink, yellow.

Such unusually bright color solutions are dictated by the sensations of the southern breeze, the luscious greenery of the tropics and the warmth of the sun's rays. But do not rush to wear clothes of all trendy shades at once - you will look like a traffic light. Neon colors in themselves are so powerful accent that all other items of the wardrobe and accessories should be muted, calm colors - gray, black, white.

So, dear women of fashion, now you are armed with knowledge of trendy colors of the summer of 2014, so you can freely fantasize and combine. Remain fashionable and stylish!