Pain in the left shoulder

In addition to the diseases of the shoulder joint, the pain in the left shoulder can be not directly related to it, but can appear with the diseases of the internal organs (primarily the heart) and the lesions of the cervical spine and give it to the shoulder.

Causes of pain in the left shoulder

The most common cause is large physical exertion, muscle or bone injuries, sprains and tendons. Among other likely factors that can affect the development of pain symptoms in the left shoulder, experts identify the following:

Also, some infectious diseases can cause a pain:

Symptoms and manifestations of shoulder disease

Let us dwell on the signs of frequent diseases and conditions that are reflected on the shoulder.

Fractures, ruptures of ligaments and tendons

There is a sharp pain in the left shoulder, which increases with movement. Limited mobility of the arm and joint occurs. In case of fractures, edema occurs at the site of the injury. The condition requires immediate medical attention.


The pain in the left shoulder is constant, aching, increasing with movement and palpation. The disease is treated with external and internal use of anti-inflammatory drugs and restriction of physical activity.

Myositis (inflammation of the muscles)

The pain in the left shoulder is usually aching, not too intense. Treated with the use of rubbing and external anti-inflammatory drugs.

Diseases of the cervical spine

In this case, the pain is strong enough, intense, it can spread over the shoulder and the entire hand up to the hand, but is reflected. That is, pain occurs when turning the neck, but gives to the left or right shoulder.


The pain is not too intense, but chronic. There may be an edema in the area of ​​the joint bag. When you put your hand to the side, trying to get her by the head, the pain in your left shoulder becomes acute.

Osteoarthritis and arthritis

Most often observed in old age. Pain constant, acute, Increased with any movement of the joint.

Pain in the heart, heart attack

In this case, there are pains of varying degrees of intensity, a feeling of squeezing and heaviness behind the breastbone, periodically giving to the left shoulder.

Also cause shoulder pain can:

When acute or chronic pain is necessary to consult a doctor.