Discharge with blood after menstruation

Discharge from the blood after the past months are swept away by about 10-15% of women of reproductive age. There are many reasons for the development of this phenomenon. Let's try to understand this situation and name the most common of them.

What can evidence of discharge with an admixture of blood after menstruation?

Typically, the color of such discharge is from light brown to dark brown. Often, when they are examined, you can detect small amounts of mucus. Similar can be noted with such violations as endometritis and endometriosis.

Because of what after a month can there be discharge with blood veins?

A similar phenomenon can be noted in the absence of any violation in the reproductive system. So, often bloody discharge immediately after menstrual, can be due to the presence in the uterine cavity of a contraceptive, such as a spiral .

However, the most common causes of such secretions are the violation of the processes of blood clotting, bending of the cervix, pathological processes in it (polyps, fibroids).

Why can there be mucus discharge with blood after the previous month's menses?

Mucous secretions of clear or white color, sometimes with blood veins can be observed with such violations as erosion of the cervix, cervicitis. In this case, as a rule, their volume is small.

Is the appearance of blood after the menstrual always a sign of a violation?

It should be noted that the small discharge of blood (a couple of drops) after the monthly in 2-3 days, doctors call a normal phenomenon. The thing is that in view of slowing the outflow of blood at the end of menstruation, a few drops of this biological fluid can remain in the vagina, and subsequently leave the outside.

However, in cases where the blood after the menstrual period occurs within a week after they have ended, a woman should consult a doctor.