Varicosity - treatment at home

Varicose veins, according to statistical data, is an unusually common pathology, accompanied not only by the weight in the legs, but also by the formation of ugly nodules that can spoil the beauty of the female legs. Fortunately, varicosity suggests treatment at home - today there are many effective drugs known, which will be discussed below.

Medicinal Herbs

As a rule, folk remedies for the treatment of leg varicose involve the use of drugs of natural origin. Among them:

Such a popular plant as a golden mustache, with varicose veins is used as a decoction on the basis of which a compress is made. To do this, two leaves of the plant are ground, poured with 1.5 glasses of water, heated for a couple of 15 minutes. The product must be filtered and cooled. Then it is moistened with gauze and applied to the foot for 10 minutes.

An extremely authoritative means that helps with varicose veins is horse chestnut - it is on its basis that most of the pharmaceutical preparations are prepared. Independently, you can make a tincture for internal and external use. To do this, take 10 g of crushed chestnut fruit, previously peeled, and pour them 100 grams of vodka. In a tightly closed bottle, the agent is insisted in a darkened room for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the container. The drug is taken at 30 drops per day. In parallel with the tincture make compresses (10 minutes each).

Kalanchoe from varicose veins

Tincture of a home flower of Kalanchoe will help to remove pain in the legs and restore blood flow. To prepare the preparation, take Kalanchoe leaves and fill them with half a liter jar. The capacity to the brim is filled with alcohol 70%. In a dark place, the product should be infused for 2-3 weeks, with the jar shaking periodically. With the use of ready tinctures put compresses at night. The pain goes away after the first procedure.

Nettles with varicose veins

A good result in the treatment of varicose enlargement is a young nettle. A small whisk is made from it, which then is slapped on the legs, moving from the soles of the feet to the hips. Burning and redness goes through half an hour - for the effect that nettle gives, this discomfort can be tolerated. Also, a decoction of nettle leaves as a preparation for ingestion is useful. A glass of water takes 2-3 spoons of raw material (dried or fresh). The drug is allowed to boil, insist 1 hour, filter, take three times a day.

Blue clay with varicose veins

It is very useful to spread on the feet blue clay, previously soaked in water. The thickness of the layer is about 2 cm. Polyethylene is laid on top, a warm kerchief is tied. After 3 hours, the clay is washed off. At this stage, a contrast shower is appropriate, which is irreplaceable for varicose veins. The duration of the water procedure is 3-5 minutes. Warm water alternates with cold water, the latter having to complete the session. Supplement this treatment can be the reception of clay inside - 1 tsp. in a day.

Other means

In folk medicine, green tomatoes are widely used as a remedy for varicose veins - the vegetables cut in half are tied to the dilated veins. This helps relieve pain and fatigue.

It is also effective to treat garlic-oil applications: one part of garlic (in white husk, not blue!) Is ground and combined with two pieces of butter. The resulting mass, covered with parchment and a warm kerchief, is kept on your feet all night.

Doctors insist that when varicose veins are useful, but, of course, not at long distances. Moderate exercise helps restore blood flow. Before jogging on your feet, put on a compression jersey or apply an elastic bandage. After class, you have to lie down, just lifting your legs.