Stretch of the ligament of the foot - treatment

No one is immune from the stretching of the foot: this can happen during exercise or when walking on an unstable heel. Naturally, the risk of stretching rises in winter, when there is ice on the street, athletes and women wearing sandals that do not fix the foot are also at risk. Stretching the ligaments of the foot is not a serious, but rather unpleasant, injury, which is accompanied by pain and some other symptoms. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms, treatment, and find out what happens to the ligaments during stretching.

Stretch of the ligament of the foot: symptoms

Symptoms of stretching the foot depend on the stage of damage. In fact, stretching is a rupture of tissues, when the load on the ligament apparatus exceeds its elasticity.

There are three stages of damage:

  1. Easy. With her, the person feels minor pain, but is able to move around. Edema is not expressed strongly, so often in such cases, people do not go to the doctor, although it would be worth it: after all, the process of tissue healing must go right, so that the foot work fully restored.
  2. Average. In this case, any movement of the injured leg causes severe pain, so it is difficult to move. Within half an hour there is puffiness and walking without improvised means is almost impossible. In these cases, a person needs rest, because he will remain disabled for some time and will not be able to move independently.
  3. Severe damage (complete ligament rupture), when the sensation of pain when moving with the foot is very pronounced. The foot is swollen, bruises appear, and if you do not consult a doctor, the joint may not form properly, so medical care is required at the third stage.

With any signs of stretching the foot, you need to see the doctor, because the ligaments protect the joint from damage and help withstand heavy loads: just imagine how you can hurt yourself if the tissue does not grow well or if you start walking with a damaged leg ahead of time.

What should I do if I stretch my foot?

The first help in stretching the foot is, mainly, to ensure the peace of the damaged leg. It happens that a person immediately

did not feel pain, but the ligament is already damaged, and he, continuing to walk, only aggravates the situation.

To immobilize the joint, you must put a tight bandage (not everyone carries an elastic bandage, so for emergency help you can use a scarf or scarf). If there is a suspicion that the ligament is completely damaged, it is better to impose a tire (improvised means - plywood, ruler, plank, etc.). The tire is placed on both sides of the joint and a bandage is applied to immobilize the foot.

To reduce swelling apply ice for two hours or a towel soaked in cold water. If there is bruising, then the leg should be placed slightly above the body: so the swelling of the tissues near the joint is prevented.

How to treat sprains?

Treatment of stretching the foot is not difficult, and consists of several points:

  1. Before treating the distension of the foot, the most important thing is to determine the extent of the damage and if there is a suspicion of the heaviest, it is better to conduct a check whether the joint is damaged.
  2. The first time the leg should be immobilized with an elastic bandage or a tire (5-10 days).
  3. From medicines use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, "Nimesil" for mild and moderate severity). With severe pain, analgesics are indicated.
  4. When stretching the ligaments of the foot, the ointment "Diclofenac" or "Fastum-gel" is effective - any warming up (after the swelling began to subside).
  5. Accelerates the recovery of physiotherapy (especially warming) and exercise therapy (after the pain passes).
  6. If the damage is very serious, then the surgical treatment performed by the orthopedic surgeon is indicated.

In any case, you need to remember that the treatment of stretching, although not intricate, requires time and patience - high-soled shoes can be worn no earlier than 2 months after recovery.