Uterus removal

Sometimes removal of the uterus - this is the only, though radical way to save the patient's life. Uterine cancer, fibroids, endometriosis, organ prolapse, abnormal permanent bleeding and other diseases can be a reason for hysterectomy. Of course, this decision is not easy. However, as practice shows, if the operation to remove the uterus has gone without complications, then after rehabilitation the patient may well return to the rhythm of life habitual for her.

But, nevertheless, hysterectomy is a responsible step, therefore it is necessary to know about the peculiarities of the operation and the possible consequences in advance.

Natural wilting of the body is a process hormone-dependent and directly related to the function of the ovaries. It is this paired organ of the female reproductive system that produces the hormones necessary to maintain youth and beauty. Accordingly, the removal of the uterus does not affect the hormonal background and the problems typical for the climacteric period will appear at the appointed time. As a rule, the age of onset of menopause is genetically laid, then a woman can face such phenomena as decreased libido , migraine, irritability, skin aging, brittle hair, tides , insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms of lack of sex hormones.

Possible consequences after removal of the uterus

However, in addition to unreasonable fears, hysterectomy can still have a number of complications. can be:

But, even if the rehabilitation period has passed normally, it is likely that in the future a woman may face:

Recovery after removal of the uterus

Whichever method is used to perform a hysterectomy, it is still an unnatural interference in the body, and as a result - a great stress for the latter. Therefore, each woman after removal of the uterus is given a list of recommendations, and special medications are prescribed. Basically, this therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Also, doctors advise women after the removal of the uterus to abstain from sexual contact within two months.

A separate issue is the psychological rehabilitation. Even if the operation was extremely necessary, many women are still in a depressed state for a long time, feel a sense of inferiority and confusion. At this point, family and friends should provide psychological support, show attention and care. As the recovery and return to sexual life, it is important to discuss with the partner emerging issues of an intimate nature. Women of childbearing age, especially those who do not have children, may need psychological help from a qualified specialist.