Monthly on the sea

We usually wait for a trip and a trip to the sea with great trepidation, trying to take into account all the circumstances in order to make the rest as pleasant as possible. But this is not always possible, no, no, and even the complaints of the girls are heard "monthly leave for vacation, and I'm going to the sea." What to do in this case, try to postpone the vacation or with a monthly on the sea yet you can have a wonderful time? Let's think together how to make sure that the monthly on vacation is not disturbed.

Monthly on the sea - what to do?

Of course, it all depends on the characteristics of the body - some girls feel so bad during the months that they do not need any sea, on the bed to lie in the embryo pose, so that no one touched. In this case, of course, it is better to think about the transfer of vacation. But if all doubts are connected with purely hygienic considerations, then stop worrying, a month's rest at sea is not a hindrance. The only thing you need to do is store tampons or buy a menstrual cup. Both these and other hygiene products will make it possible to bathe at monthly intervals in the sea without consequences for the body. Gynecologists, of course, are not advised to bathe at monthly intervals, as bacteria can be trapped in the slightly open cervix of the uterus. But if you really want to swim, then you can do it, only after you leave the water, the swab needs to be changed immediately. But nevertheless the first two days, when monthly abundant, it is desirable to be kept from immersings in water.

There is also a danger of increased bleeding if the water is too warm. For the same reason, during a month, you should avoid visiting saunas, baths and refusing cosmetic procedures that involve heating. Sunburn also falls under the ban, but only in the hottest time of the day, in the morning and evening hours you can bask in the sun to your health. True, tanning to blackness is unlikely to happen - during menstruation, the female body practically stops producing melanin, which is responsible for darkening the skin.

Monthly on vacation: choose a swimsuit

It may happen that a menstrual cup or tampon will fail to avoid embarrassment, you need to choose the right swimsuit. Let it be a dark color, pareo should also be dark. In this case, even if there is an "accident", you can safely get to the cabin for changing clothes. Say you do not like dark swimsuits? Well, no one forces you to go on vacation news, take these additional precautions only in the first two days, when the allocation is most abundant. In the rest of the time, the possibility of leaking significantly decreases. Well, if you 100% trust your hygiene means, then wear a swimsuit of the color that is more to your liking.

I do not want to be on vacation with menstruation!

If you absolutely do not want the monthly started at sea, you can try to move their arrival to an earlier or later date. There are several ways to "deceive" the body, for example, to delay the monthly by popular means or on the contrary to accelerate their offensive. But it is worthwhile to be extremely cautious with such manipulations, but it is also necessary to take into account that a sensitive female organism can react to change the climate by shifting the day of the onset of menstruation. Therefore, you risk not to guess, and at sea, the monthly will still go. A more effective way to make sure that the monthly on the sea did not go is to use birth control pills. You just need not take a break in taking contraceptives, then the monthly will visit you only next month. But such experiments can be dangerous, and therefore they must be carried out only under the supervision of a gynecologist. And this method is suitable only for those who take birth control pills constantly, especially before going to the sea to start taking is not necessary.