Diffusive-cystic mastopathy

In the diffuse form of cystic mastopathy, the entire mammary gland is compacted by the proliferation of fibrous tissue, and in the tissues of the gland itself there are cystic formations of different size and quantity. Diffuse glandular - cystic mastopathy is characterized by the presence of cystic cavities with a dense wall, inside which there can be both liquid contents and thick mucous. Diffuse cystic fibrosis mastopathy can be of three types:

Diffuse form of fibrocystic mastopathy - causes

The main causes of mastopathy are not fully understood, but most often it occurs against a background of hormonal failure in a woman. Usually the development of mastopathy is promoted by an excess of estrogens (it provokes the proliferation of the stroma of the gland and the proliferation of the epithelium of its alveoli) with the deficiency of progesterone in the body of a woman inhibiting these processes.

Factors contributing to the development of mastopathy are:

Diffusive-cystic mastopathy - symptoms

Diffuse cystic fibrosis mastopathy is characterized by a number of signs:

Symptomatics is closely related to the menstrual cycle. Exacerbation of symptoms occurs on the eve of menstruation, they are also added swelling of the mammary glands in front of them.

A distinctive feature of the degeneration of mastopathy in breast cancer is a change in the skin in the glandular node of the gland and the appearance of lymph nodes in the axillary region. But it is a symptomatology of a neglected process, and a timely examination and a complete examination, in the presence of any changes in the structure of the gland, makes it possible to distinguish cancer from mastopathy at earlier stages.

Diagnosis of diffuse cystic mastopathy

The main method of diagnosing mastopathy is regular examination of the woman's breast for changes in their structure. Upon examination, a woman should pay attention to the change in the external appearance of the gland (the appearance of asymmetry, changes in the shape and position of the nipples, skin color), both in the position with the arms lowered and with the hands raised. Then she produces palpation of the glands to reveal the seals. Upon examination, the doctor additionally appoints a mammogram, Ultrasound of the mammary glands , determination of the level of sex hormones in the blood.

Treatment of diffuse cystic mastopathy

Most often a woman is prescribed conservative treatment, using hormonal drugs - progesterone analogues (Dyufaston, Utrozhestan). Also used drugs that block the synthesis of prolactin (Bromocriptine), combined oral contraceptives, antigonadotropins (Danazol), antiestrogens (Tamoxifen). But in the early stages more often resort to plant and homeopathic medicines, which have a good therapeutic effect (Wobenzym, Klimadinon, Mastodinon).