The most interesting book in the world

The shelves of bookstores are constantly replenished with works of different genres. Among all the most interesting books of our time, which deserve the attention of readers. The list was compiled thanks to feedback, expert opinion and overall popularity.

Which book is the most interesting?

  1. The Thirteenth Tale by D. Setterfield . One of the popular books that returns to the forgotten genre of "neo-Gothic". This is the story of a girl who loves books and she gets an offer from a famous writer to write a biography about her. The main heroine could not abandon it, and she came to an old mansion, which is filled with ghosts from the past. It is from this moment on that a story begins that will reveal many secrets.
  2. "The middle floor" D. Eugenides . The novel is quite deserved included in the rating of the most interesting books, because it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The work involves the theme of rebirth, following the American dream and gender roles. The book tells the story of the life of a hermaphrodite, frankly telling about her ancestors and their lives.
  3. "Amsterdam" I. McEwan . This book allows each reader to understand how a stable and successful life at a time can turn into a sand castle. It tells the story of two friends of the editor-in-chief and a recognized composer. They decided to conclude an agreement on euthanasia, that is, when one of them falls into unconsciousness, the other must deprive him of his life. The novel was noted by critics and was awarded the Booker Prize.
  4. "Lovely Bones" by E. Sibold . According to many reviews and critics' opinion this is one of the most interesting books in the world. This novel tells the story of a girl who was killed at the age of 14 and later fell into her personal paradise, where she has the opportunity to observe the lives of her relatives and friends, as well as the killer. The main character's comments are often intertwined with the events of the past and a possible future. By the way, the author of the book Alice was also raped, but escaped death. The title of the book "Lovely Bones" embodies the new connections and relationships that arise between close people after the death of the main character.
  5. K. McCarthy's Road . The post-apocalyptic novel is included in many lists of the most interesting books. It tells the story of the father and son, who after an unnamed cataclysm travel on scorched earth, moving around the US. The work contains many deep and important questions that make the reader think about the meaning of life . The book allows you to understand that everything in life is relative and under certain conditions things that seem very important lose their meaning. The author wants to convey the idea that it is important to enjoy every day you live.
  6. "Girl on the train" P. Hockins . This detective novel is written in the genre of psychological thriller. In this most interesting modern book, the author raises such important topics as domestic violence, alcoholism and drug addiction. The main heroine every day goes to the city by train, watching people through the window. Her attention is drawn to a married couple who looks very happy, but one day the spouse disappears, and the main character notices something shocking in the yard. She will have to decide: to investigate the situation itself or to contact the police.
  7. "The house in which ..." M. Petrosyan . Despite the large volume, the book is read very quickly in one breath. The main object of this work is a house, which is a boarding school for disabled children with unique abilities. This house has many secrets and rules, so it's not easy to get along with a newcomer here.