Pregnancy 26 weeks - what's going on?

For 6 months the baby lives under his mother's heart and more and more a meeting with him. At 26 weeks of pregnancy the weight of the fetus is already from 800 to 1000 grams, and the full growth of about 35 centimeters.

And although everyone knows that children born before the time and having a weight of more than 500 grams are nursed, yet it does not pass without a trace for the baby. And if the mother at this time felt wrong, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible to stop the process of labor.

The child at the 26th week of pregnancy is almost formed and now there is adjustment and adjustment of the nervous system. The eyes already open and even distinguish the sunlight directed to the mother on her tummy. Hearing also becomes more acute, and the kid constantly listens to what is happening around him. It can even be scared by a sharp loud sound from the outside.

Fetal development is very active at the 26th week of pregnancy, and right now it is starting to gain weight faster. Therefore, my mother, as never before, now needs to eat properly so that the baby gets the maximum amount of nutrients needed, but there was not an overabundance that will affect the weight of the child.

Fetal movement at 26 weeks gestation

The baby is now very active, especially if the mother eats something sweet, because the baby receives glucose through the umbilical cord, causing it to be active, and also gets through the amniotic fluid that becomes sweet, which is very to the liking of the baby.

The location of the fetus in the uterus at the 26th week of pregnancy is still unstable. The baby is not yet very tight in the tummy, but only a few weeks will pass, and it will take its position in the uterus completely and because of its great weight and growth will not be able to tumble, but will only push Mummy and try to straighten the legs.

Mother's weight at 26 weeks gestation

Of the put 10-12 kilograms, Mom scored from 5 to 8. But the weight continues to be actively recruited. By the rules, most of the nutrition of the mother gets to the baby, but if you do not follow your diet, then the mother can easily exceed the norm.

Now we know what happens in 26 weeks of pregnancy with a woman and her baby. To this period is not overshadowed by swelling and pain in the lower back, it is necessary to rest more often, taking a horizontal position, and legs for the prevention of puffiness, at this time it is necessary to raise just above the level of the head, placing a pillow under them.