Psychological climate in the team

People who are engaged in collective labor can be compared to plants (in the good sense of the word!) - they can blossom if the climate accompanies it, and wither if existence under such conditions becomes impossible. The proportion of sunlight, water, soil for a flower, this is the same as the psychological climate in a team for a person.

Often people go to work reluctantly, exhausted, lose their health and nerves. Why? Because they chose the wrong profession, or the wrong place to do this profession.

On the other hand, there are lucky ones who really "blossom" at work. All around accompanies personal growth, communication, individual and collective success .

Admittedly, the favorable psychological climate in the team largely depends on the authorities and management style.

The role of superiors in the microclimate

If the chief is guided by the slogan "the chief is always right", the collective works on defensive tactics. Intimidation, criticism of employees in front of colleagues, threats of layoffs, lack of incentives - all this creates an unhealthy atmosphere. Employees are afraid to be ridiculed by their superiors, they lose confidence in their colleagues ("snoopers" often and everywhere), are afraid of making a mistake, and therefore, do not show any initiative.

Managing the psychological climate in the team willingly or unwillingly takes over the boss. The style of his work directly affects the microclimate:

Gossips and microclimate

In describing the psychological climate in the team, we must not forget about a very important component of joint work - gossip. Intrigues, rumors arise when workers do not have access to reliable information. Here, again, we return to the responsibility of the authorities, whose duty to inform and inform about what is happening "from above."

Only contact, healthy communication between the "senior" and "younger" can deprive people of the need to build guesses. And what does gossip lead to? Sometimes, to hysterics and mass layoffs. The team accidentally "learned" or "guessed" that someone from above wants to cut the whole group. Here they take and amicably leave in advance, to spite. And then prove that there were no such intentions. After all, this kind of rumors can be generated only in the absence of trust and normal communication between management and subordinates.

Joint activities - principles of team building

To improve the psychological climate in the team, it is necessary, first of all, to properly distribute the roles and functions of each employee. The goal is common, everyone's work is individual. The proper distribution of powers will help employees achieve jointly, each with their own labor, without experiencing a sense of competition for a place in the sun.

The authorities should be competent in the distribution of working groups. You can not put together phlegmatic and choleric, because the phlegmatic will work necessarily slower. Hence the irritation of the choleric, and the envy of the phlegmatic to the choleric, who has already coped with everything.