Early signs of pregnancy before delay

Probably, every woman is interested in the question of what are the early signs of pregnancy, so you can even before the delay to determine whether pregnancy has come or not. But even in our advanced XXI century this method has not yet been invented. That is, of course, you can even feel the first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay, but it is impossible to say for sure that the pregnancy has occurred.

Very often after unprotected intercourse, a woman immediately begins to worry. And as a consequence, he searches for early signs of pregnancy long before the delay of menstruation. And often she finds them! There the head began to spin, there was a nauseated little, etc. And immediately this condition is considered a sign of pregnancy in the early stages. But in most cases this is nothing more than suggestion. Although there is not all clearly. In practice, there are many cases where a woman from the very first day felt that she was pregnant, although there were no external manifestations yet. But also not uncommon, when a woman for several months could not even suspect of her interesting situation, and learned about it quite by accident.

But let's take a closer look at what the first symptoms can say about pregnancy before the delay.

Most often, the first sign of an early pregnancy is a woman's state of health. And the changes can be in better or worse. Although the latter is much more common. An early sign of pregnancy is the increase and soreness of the mammary glands. But this is a rather insidious sign, as it can testify both about the onset of pregnancy, and about the approach of critical days.

The earliest signs of pregnancy are also considered fatigue and nausea. But these signs can be attributed to stereotypes rather than to early signs of pregnancy, because before the delay to talk about nausea is still very early. Toxicosis most often occurs at 6-8 weeks of gestation, and it is very rare that nausea and vomiting may occur before the delay. But fatigue can appear much earlier, within a few days after fertilization. But few ordinary fatigue can associate with a sign of pregnancy at an early stage. Although this is actually the case, it's just that we are quicker to get rid of fatigue for lack of sleep than for pregnancy because of the frenzied rhythm of life. Also a sign of pregnancy can be considered drowsiness, but it is a very blurry and not a specific sign.

From early signs of pregnancy to monthly, you can separately highlight the increase in basal temperature. This sign can indeed indicate the onset of pregnancy already 3-5 days after fertilization. If you, of course, did not get sick during this period, then the fever may be caused by a cold, and not by pregnancy. And in order to see the increase in basal temperature, you need to monitor it at least a few cycles. Then you will know how the temperature in the second phase of the cycle rises in person. This is one of the most complex methods, but it is the most reliable, because it is the increase in temperature refers to the earliest sign of pregnancy.

Also a reliable and early sign of pregnancy are brownish discharge from the vagina. This occurs on the 7-10th day after fertilization. These excretions cease as suddenly as they appear. They are connected with the attachment of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus. If after such brownish-brown discharge after some time critical days come, it is most likely not monthly, but a sign of the threat of termination of pregnancy and you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Now that you know what are the early signs of pregnancy, it will be easier for you to understand your condition and perhaps find your first pregnancy symptoms before the delay.