How to cook millet porridge on milk?

All sorts of porridge - this is a healthy meal, which, in addition to satiety, gives our body a lot of vitamins. How tasty to cook millet porridge on milk, read below.

How to cook millet porridge on milk?



Millet is sorted, and then washed with boiling water to clear water. Pour 400 ml of water and place on a plate. On medium heat cook until all the water has absorbed. Then we pour in the milk, we reduce the fire to the minimum possible. After that, we pour the porridge and sugar. Boil for 5 minutes, without forgetting to stir it. Already at the very end you can put a piece of butter in the mug.

How to cook millet porridge on milk with pumpkin?



Thoroughly wash the prepared millet. Then we place the croup in a saucepan, pour in water and cook for about 15 minutes. The water that has remained is drained and poured into the pan with heated milk. We make the fire minimal and cook the croup until it is ready. Meanwhile, cut into small pieces of washed pumpkin. Then we put it in a saucepan, pour a little water and stew until ready and pee. In the finished porridge, add the puree and boil a couple of minutes. We fill the prepared dish with oil and call everyone to the table.

How to cook millet porridge on dry milk?



Millet is sorted and thoroughly washed. Then pour it with water and bring to a boil. We cook a quarter of an hour under the lid. Add the milk powder, salt, sugar and stir. Cook for another 15 minutes until ready. And then turn off the plate, and put the porridge on plates.

How to cook millet porridge with milk?



Pumpkin is cleaned and cut into small pieces. Warm up the milk, put in it a prepared pumpkin, sugar and slightly add salt. We put on the stove, after boiling we add carefully washed croup. On a low heat, cook for about half an hour. And then a pan with porridge put in the oven with a temperature of about 120 degrees ripen for 40 minutes. If desired, you can add nuts, dried apricots , raisins to such a mess.

How to cook millet millet porridge on milk?



Millet groats are sorted, washed and filled with cold water, leave for 2 hours. Then this water is drained, pouring the right amount, in our case it is 2 cups and cook until the moment when all the water is gone. Now pour in hot milk, salt, sugar and, stirring constantly, cook for about 7 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and put in a warm oven for ripening for 10 minutes.

How to boil a crumbly millet porridge on milk in a multivariate?



Millet is poured into a bowl and washed to clear water. After that, place the croup in the bowl of the device. We pour in milk, put salt, sugar. We cover the walls of the multivarious pan with butter, so that milk does not escape through the top. We cook in the "Milk porridge" mode until a signal that will indicate that the dish is ready. Enjoy your appetite!