Wedding signs and customs

Even those couples who always laughed at superstitions, before the day of marriage, often turn to the sources of "people's wisdom" and carefully look at the wedding signs and customs. Some - for yourself, just in case, and others - just in order to ignorance does not shock the guests with something that is not accepted or is a bad sign.

Signs about the color of the wedding dress

In Russia, girls traditionally married in the most elegant red sarafan, but gradually this fashion was superseded by the European, in which the best option was a white fluffy dress. Now the designers offer a variety of colors, including non-traditional ones. Famous designer Vera Wong released a collection of black wedding dresses , which also had popularity in individual circles.

However, folk wisdom clearly links the color of the wedding dress and the future life of the young. Signs regarding this are as follows:

However, to believe folk wedding signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. The main thing for a bride is to take into account the opinion not only of mother and girlfriends, but also of the groom, and if he turned out to be a superstitious person, it is better to take his position. In the end, you should like this dress in the first place to him.

Wedding signs about the rings

Going to any jewelry store, you will see a huge number of wedding rings for every taste. From white and pink gold, with diamonds, with patterns and scissors - it's very difficult to choose from this variety one thing!

However, if you obey the signs, then the choice is extremely simple - you have to go straight to the showcase with classic models and choose a smooth gold ring, strictly one model for the bride and groom. After all, folk wisdom says: if the ring is smooth then life will be smooth, and if there are scars and protrusions on the ring, life will also take place in skirmishes, quarrels, ups and downs.

Signs about wedding shoes

Concerning shoes, folk wisdom also has its own list of provisions. Incorrectly selected shoes can become a harbinger of the poverty of the family or even its disintegration:

Together with the signs to the dress and shoes, there are also signs about the wedding veil. For example, it is believed that the longer the veil, the longer will be the family life, and happiness in the marriage will only be with the bride who chose a veil pink or white. Fatou no one is allowed to measure or even hold in his hands - this is a personal thing that protects the couple's family happiness .