Weeks of pregnancy by months

Despite the fact that everyone says that the pregnancy lasts 9 months, midwifery calculation takes place every week, besides, very often all important tests and events in the development of the fetus are indicated exactly in weeks.

Many future parents, especially daddies, for example can not immediately determine: 7 months is how many weeks of pregnancy? We'll tell you how to do this in this article.

Correspondence of months and weeks of pregnancy

The development of the fetus and the state of the mother's health (especially weight) must be constantly monitored, and since in each month there are not the same number of days (from 28 to 31), the doctors found a constant unit - a week that always lasts 7 days. The choice of this unit of pregnancy is due to the fact that this is a fairly short period of time, so it's easier to track what should normally happen in the development of the baby. This is especially important for conducting ultrasound examinations and screenings. After all, the norm of the indicators varies depending on the period of pregnancy.

Thus, almost every midweek has 4 weeks: for example: the third month of pregnancy is the period from 9 to 12 weeks. But not all sources give this information. Sometimes it can be found that the 3rd month of pregnancy is the time from 10 to 13 weeks.

Why does this discrepancy occur? Yes, because the calendar in the month of 4 weeks and 2-3 days, so the third month of pregnancy ends in 13 weeks and 2 days. And so in each case, which leads to the fact that the end of the week coincides with the end of the month.

How easy is it to determine the month of pregnancy by week?

For the convenience of determining which month has come by the week, the tables "Weeks and months of pregnancy" have been developed. There are several options, but this is the most obvious:

It is very easy to determine, relative to the end date of the last month, which week of pregnancy refers to which month. To do this, in the first column, find the week number you are interested in and see what month it refers to. Also on this table you can determine when there will be a DA .

So, we can easily determine how many weeks are 7 months of pregnancy, according to the table, this period corresponds to the interval from 28 to the middle of 32 weeks.

The ability to determine which week corresponds to which month will help you calculate the correct time correctly, even if the time period was specified in different units. And it will also help you tell your relatives how long you are on and when to wait tidily for the family.