What colors do cats see?

Most often, the owners of cats on the look can determine what the pet thinks. The natural question is, is there a difference between the human and animal worldview and what colors do cats see?

Color vision is not the only way to get visual information about the environment, however, in what color the cat's world is seen - from the most frequently asked questions.

The vision process includes the following categories:

  1. Sensitivity to light.
  2. Susceptibility to movement.
  3. Range of the field of view.
  4. Perception of perception.
  5. Color vision.

For the first four indicators, cat eyesight far exceeds human characteristics. But until recently there was an open question whether cats see color. Scientists believed that for animals hunting at night, color recognition is not important for survival in the course of evolution, and therefore they have a reduced ability to visual perception.

How many colors do cats see?

For the recognition of color meet the cones, which are photoreceptors located in the retina of the eye. In humans, there are three types ( green , red , blue) and each is responsible for recognizing the appropriate color of the range. Many animals have two kinds of cones, and therefore they do not perceive a part of the spectrum, like colorblinds. Recent research has shown that cats see colors according to a principle similar to man, but the image is as if covered with fog, and the blurring increases at the edges, and the colors do not differ in saturation.

In addition, some colors appear in a different guise, for example, red appears greyish-green. But the range of distinguishing shades of gray is much richer than the human. This is the result of adapting cats to life in low light conditions.