Benefits of Peaches

Peach is a unique gift of nature, in which amazing taste is combined with great benefit to the human body. Use its properties can be in a variety of ways. Moreover, even after treatment, this fruit retains the maximum of nutrients and vitamins.

What vitamins contains a peach?

The benefits of peaches are a huge amount of nutrients that are part of their composition. In this product there is almost a full range of vitamins - A, B, C, E, H and PP. Thanks to this, peaches are not only used for food, but also used in cosmetology to preserve the natural beauty of the skin and hair.

Peaches for weight loss

Peaches have a number of useful properties that allow you to include them in a diet for weight loss to achieve the fastest possible results:

  1. Peaches are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for the body during a period of reduced nutrition.
  2. With the regular use of peaches, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is established, so that all useful substances are better absorbed.
  3. Peach has a mild laxative effect, which allows to normalize the excretory function and expel all the toxins accumulated in the intestine.
  4. Active ingredients that make up peaches are struggling with slags, cleaning the body in a complex way.
  5. Regular use of peaches allows you to eliminate excess fluid from the body, which is effective for reducing volumes.
  6. If you replace all your usual desserts with peaches, you already reduce the calorie content of the diet by 200-300 units, which will help to lose weight.
  7. Including 2-3 peaches a day in a diet, you will get enough sweet food, and therefore, avoid breakdowns on chocolate, sweets, cakes and other high-calorie foods.

Do not forget that no sweets, even fruits, during weight loss should not be used later than 14.00. In the afternoon, metabolism is reduced, and there is a risk that the body will not have time to use up the calories from the fruits, but put them in fat stores at the waist or hips.

Benefit and harm of canned peaches

Peaches are perfectly preserved in canned form, and moreover, perfectly retain all their positive properties. In the winter season, this product is a wonderful substitute for natural peaches.

Quality canned peaches benefit the body are the same as fresh - they also have a lot of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They are especially effective in the fight against constipation.

The main harm of canned peaches is that too much sugar is often used in the manufacture. Because of this, such a product is prohibited to diabetics and people suffering from obesity . Compare yourself: fresh peaches, or canned without sugar, have a caloric content of 45 kcal, and canned in sugar syrup - 73 kcal.

It should be noted that in comparison with cookies, wafers and chocolate, even canned in sugar syrup Peaches - the product is light and more tolerable with a diet.

Benefits of Dried Peaches

Dried peaches are much more caloric than usual - 254 kcal against 45 kcal, respectively, so this dessert is recommended to use in limited quantities. However, if we talk about useful properties, then they are no less than the usual peaches.

As a rule, dried peaches are used for making juices, compotes, jams and other home-made delicacies. By the way, they all serve as an excellent assistant in the fight against heart and vascular diseases, improve the functioning of the intestines, increase the body's resistance to infections and alleviate the course of the viral disease.