Slimming soda tea

Today, many are interested in ways to use tea soda for weight loss. By the way, tea soda is the same as food soda. It differs from household types of soda, and you can use only those options on the packaging which are "Tea soda" or "Baking soda." You can use this product for weight loss in many ways.

Slimming tea soda: bath

The greatest benefit of tea soda will be able to bring you in the event that you will use it for the course of baths. In addition, of all the techniques, this is the safest. It is necessary to understand that from baths alone you will not lose weight: this is a wonderful additional measure that enhances the effect of proper nutrition or sports training.

The procedure itself is quite simple:

  1. Collect half the bath of water - it should be warmer than body temperature, about 38-39 degrees.
  2. In a separate container, dilute the sachets of soda with water. At will add aromatic oils - any of them will strengthen effect from procedure. Citrus varieties contribute to the elimination of cellulite!
  3. Pour the billet into the bath, stir, lie down for 20 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse slightly and rest for at least 30-40 minutes lying or reclining.

Of course, tea soda does not burn fat - this effect gives only proper nutrition and sport. Reception of such baths will allow deep cleaning pores, remove toxins and toxins, improve blood circulation and metabolism. During the reception from the body with the sweat liquid is actively withdrawn, so you will even observe a certain plumb after each procedure. Of course, then the body will take its own, and the water balance will recover, but this is a very useful update.

The full course consists of 10-12 procedures, they need to be done every other day, preferably before bedtime. In the bathroom you need to occupy a semi-sitting position and do not sink below the teat line (this will help to avoid affecting the heart).

Diet with tea soda

Many people tend to drink tea soda for weight loss on a regular basis, without understanding, such consequences can cause this frivolous action. After the publication on the Internet, telling how soda prevents the absorption of fat, who want to make a diet with a regular use of a solution of soda became quite a lot.

In fact, regular consumption of soda leads to a violation of the level of acidity in the stomach and knocks down the whole process of digesting food. In fact, fats are absorbed in the intestines, and the soda solution does not affect it in any way. But absorption in the stomach of many other elements is compromised. And with a chronic lack of nutrients, the body begins to break down its reserves, oppressing internal organs and all systems - this spoils all health in general.

Especially harmful is the intake of soda immediately before or immediately after eating, since digestion is a process presupposing the action of acid, and soda is an alkali. Thus, combining these two diverse actions, you are violating the natural work of the organism.

Tea soda is allowed to be taken extremely rarely, in case of strong need - for example, with heartburn or stomach pain, when it is required to reduce acidity. From one appointment every few months, of course, there will be no harm, although modern doctors recently recommend not to do so either. Still, in the pharmacological industry is now a rich choice of products that more gently affect the stomach and allow you to cope with pain more quickly and safely.

And for effective weight loss it is enough just to eat right, not to lean on sweet, flour and fat, a couple of times a week to give the body a moderate load - and the weight will disappear naturally.