How to cook chicken?

Boiled chicken meat is an ingredient of many dishes, however, the question often arises how to cook the chicken deliciously so that the meat turns out to be soft enough and juicy, gentle, but that it can be beautifully cut into slices or cubes.

Let's start with the simplest version - we'll tell you how to cook a chicken in a saucepan. Half the case - choose the right chicken. Of course, the chicken should be young, with a pale yellow skin. If the skin is bright yellow, most likely the bird was simply painted, soaking the turmeric solution. If it is pinkish, the bird was wrongly killed and not drained from the carcass blood. White skin is common in birds that grew up on a poultry farm, did not see the sun, they fed on mixed fodder. All three options are bad, because it is tasty to cook such a bird. We are looking for a homemade, correct chicken, and cook it.

Just boiled chicken



There is a secret how to cook a chicken properly. To get a delicious broth, pour the meat in cold water. If the taste of meat is important, you need to put the chicken in boiling water. But you can get both. To do this, the carcass is slightly osmaliwe on an open fire, remove the remains of feathers, cut into portions, carefully washed, put into a pan, pour water (to cover the meat by 1.5 cm). We start to cook. As soon as the water boils (there will be a lot of foam in it), we remove everything from the plate and thoroughly wash the pieces of meat. In a saucepan pour clean water and put on the fire. When it boils, we lower the chicken, the onion (we do not clean it, just cut the spine and rinse it), wholly lay the chipped roots, pepper and bay leaf. Fire reduce to a minimum and, covering it loosely, cook for about an hour. The chicken should be cooled in broth.

How to cook chicken fillets?

If time is short, you can cook meat without pits or use a pressure cooker. There are no special secrets about how to cook chicken fillets.



Well, eat my meat and cut it to cook faster. In boiling water, we lay pieces of fillets, peeled onions, spices, carrots. We put everything in its entirety. After only 20 minutes our chicken is ready.

Home does not mean tough

Many people think that if the chicken is homemade, then it will be cooked for a very long time, and not the fact that the meat will turn out delicious. Not many housewives know how to quickly cook a homemade chicken to get soft and juicy meat. It is easy to do this in a pressure cooker or in a multivark. In the "Multi-Cook" mode, you just need to set a higher temperature than with conventional cooking.