International flower day

An incredibly beautiful, gentle, romantic holiday International Flower Day is annually celebrated on June 21. And this day was not chosen by chance. It is in this young summer month there is a complete transformation of the planet, when a large part of it is covered with a multi-colored coverlet of a variety of colors.

Flowers play a huge role in our life, decorating it and filling with unearthly fragrances. It is flowers that attract insects, contributing to pollination. And how beautiful is the flower honey collected by bee-workers. In some cultures, flowers are even deified, they personify divine phenomena, they are guided by divination.

Festivals and parades in honor of the International Flower Day

During the celebration of the International Day of Flowers, various festivals, florist competitions, festivals, flower parades are held all over the world. Each country has its own symbol-flower. For example, in Russia the symbol of the holiday is chamomile, in Ukraine - red poppy, in Belarus - cornflower, in China - narcissus, in England - rose, etc.

During the celebrations in honor of the International Day of Flowers, everyone can enjoy the beauty of flowers at exhibitions and competitions, walk and breathe in their beautiful fragrance.

The most popular day is the Day of Flowers in England. Every year in Chelsea, a real parade of masters-florists is held, which never cease to amaze the public with their skills. It is noteworthy that the Queen herself traditionally takes part in the celebration.

But even if you do not have the opportunity to visit one of the flower festivals, try this day to bring something from yourself to this wonderful flower world - to plant a few flower seeds or seedlings in the flower bed under the window, so that in the world there will be even more beautiful representatives of the flora .