What vitamins to drink in the spring?

The lack of vitamins in the spring, as a rule, leads to frequent catarrhal diseases, drowsiness and general weakness. Those who monitor their health, you need to know what vitamins you need to drink in the spring.

Natural sources of vitamins

Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the skin condition, protecting it from external negative influences. Therefore, this vitamin is very useful for women, especially in the spring. To replenish the body with vitamin A , beef and chicken liver, sea fish, white cheese, cottage cheese, milk, vegetables and fruits of orange color should be included in the diet: carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, apricots, oranges, mandarins.

Knowing which vitamins it is better to take in the spring, you can get rid of stressful and nervous conditions. This will help regular intake of vitamin B, which is also important for hair. Provide the body with vitamin B can be, regularly eating beef and chicken meat, liver, sea fish - cod and salmon, rye bread, soy products.

Vitamin C - an excellent assistant in the fight against colds. A large amount of this vitamin is found in rose hips, kiwi, black currant, citrus, sauerkraut, green vegetables, red pepper, rowan and strawberries.

If you really want to sleep, and you do not know what vitamins to drink in the spring, pay attention to vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, grape and nut. These products are rich in vitamin E , saturating cells with vital energy and removing toxins from the body.

Of all the vitamins that are needed in the spring, do not forget about vitamin D, which normalizes the normal phosphorus-calcium balance, and therefore - makes stronger bones, teeth, hair and nails. Of the products that contain this vitamin can include: dairy products, egg yolks, fish oil, sea fish and sea kale.

Vitamin complexes for the spring period

Products are not always able to fully provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins. That is why, it is very important to know what vitamins you need to drink in the spring in a tablet form. Experts recommend at this time of the year to give preference to such drugs as Duovit, Multitabs, Kvadevit and Complivit. Take them only according to the attached instructions and only after consulting a specialist, because, like any other medicines, they can lead to a variety of side effects.