Delay of menstrual after the abolition of contraceptives

The onset of menstruation is often observed after the abolition of contraceptives. The thing is that after taking hormonal contraceptives, almost all women have a shift, and in the worst case, a violation of the menstrual cycle .

How long can there be no monthly after stopping hormonal contraceptives ?

Despite the fact that the delay in menstruation after taking contraceptive medications is observed quite often, its duration is of an individual nature. In this case, the girls can move for a different period of time. Therefore, gynecologists recommend using the following method of calculating the delay: it is necessary to count the number of past days from the last day of the previous menstruation, until the first pill is taken. But this method is acceptable only in those cases when the girl had a constant cycle.

Normally, it is considered a delay in monthly discharges after stopping taking contraceptives for no more than 4-5 days, since the last drunk tablet. If they do not appear within 7-8 days, you need to contact a gynecologist.

How long does the body need to restore the menstrual cycle?

Delay in menstrual after refusal of contraceptive tablets is observed in 70-80% of cases. The thing is that the body needs time for hormonal adjustment. This takes at least 2 months.

In this case, the duration of recovery of the menstrual cycle also depends on the following factors:

Thus, the delay in the monthly after taking the contraceptive is observed very often, and is considered normal. However, this situation requires mandatory medical supervision.