How to get rid of the smell of feet?

The feet of a person, namely the feet, like other parts of the body, are prone to perspiration. This is natural and should not cause you any suspicion. But if everything was so simple, then we would not talk with you today about how to get rid of the unpleasant odor of your feet. The fact is that in the normal state the secretory glands of the body secrete sweat with a slightly subtle smell, while the accompanying factors, such as the quality of socks and shoes, the timeliness of hygienic procedures and so on, make it unpleasant. Therefore, before we begin to discuss the issue of how to deal with the smell of feet, we briefly mention the causes of its causing.

Why do feet smell bad?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and both individually and collectively, they can lead to such an unpleasant situation as the appearance of a foot odor, which is not easy to eliminate. And it's always easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later, so think, maybe you will be able to take into account all factors, and the question "How to get rid of the smell of legs?" Will disappear by itself.

  1. Socks (pantyhose) with a large percentage of synthetic materials. It is best to completely abandon their wearing, but in the modern world it is almost impossible to do this, except that you can knit your socks yourself. In the socks of industrial production there is always a small part of artificial fibers, but the fewer there are, the better.
  2. Closed shoes, shoes made of non-natural materials. Such shoes do not "breathe", and accordingly inside of it your legs "choke". Buying shoes from such materials, you get several problems at once. The first - how to remove the smell of feet, and the second - how to get rid of the smell of shoes. You need it?
  3. Fungus. This is a purely medical problem, and it is necessary to solve it only with a dermatologist, it will help to choose as a medicine against the fungus, which will relieve the smell of the feet.
  4. Doing sports or keeping an active lifestyle. In this case, the sweating of the feet will be increased, and the only solution will be a timely change of socks and airing of shoes.
  5. Non-compliance with personal hygiene. Legs should be washed at least 2 times a day, and compliance with this rule will be the best remedy for foot odor. And it is necessary to use toilet soap, it will not only eliminate the existing odor, but also dry the skin.

Now let's move on to the anti-smell of feet. In pharmacies are sold a lot of creams, ointments, powders and sprays to eliminate the smell of feet. Some of them are quite effective, and some just deceive their consumers. If you can not buy an effective tool, then you can use one of the folk remedies for the smell of the feet. They will be discussed further on.

Folk remedies for the smell of feet

Since you can not get rid of the smell at one time, all the baths listed should be done every day, in the evening, after washing your feet.

Vinegar foot bath from the smell

You need to prepare a basin, warm water and vinegar. Depending on the size of the pelvis, you may need a different amount of warm water. Vinegar take from the calculation of 3 tablespoons of vinegar to 2 liters of water. Put your feet in the tub and hold them there for 5 minutes, then wash your feet again.

Salt foot bath

You again need warm water and ordinary food salt (if you have sea salt, then you better take it). The ratio of water and salt is as follows: for every 2 liters of water you need to take 3 tablespoons of salt without a slide. This bath is taken about 10-15 minutes, after which the feet are washed thoroughly from salt.

Foot bath for feet

To make such a bath you need to make tea, at the rate of 1 tea bag per 0.5 liters of water. The cost of tea in this case does not affect the effect of the bath, so it's better to take inexpensive. A tea bath is taken 10-15 minutes. We wish you a successful solution to the problem of eliminating the unpleasant odor of the feet!