Pregnancy 7 weeks - fetal development

Many women expecting the birth of their unborn child will find out about this happy event at the 6-7 weeks gestation period. The delay in menstrual periods during this period becomes obvious, and the girl resorts to the use of a pregnancy test, on which two strips are clearly manifested.

In addition, most expectant mothers are already beginning to experience different sensations, indicating their interesting situation. A woman can get tired very quickly, become irritable, cry on any occasions. Some girls get acquainted with the problem of toxicosis - nausea and vomiting in the morning, rejection of strong odors, general malaise.

At the time of 7 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is very intense, and the mother of the future mother is already doubling. However, outwardly the figure of a woman has not undergone any changes, except, perhaps, a small increase and swelling of the mammary glands. In this article we will talk about the development of the baby at the 7th week of pregnancy.

Development of the baby at the 7 th week of pregnancy

At a period of 6-7 weeks, the size of the fetus is only 6-8 mm, and its development is rapidly gaining momentum. The crumb becomes like a little man. His brain grows very quickly in size, and features of the future face begin to appear on the head. The ears of the baby differ already clearly, and instead of the spout, there is only a small depression. There are dark circles on the sides - outlines of eyeballs, they will move to the center a little later.

It is during this period that the limbs of the baby begin to form - tiny little hands, on which, despite the miniature size, you can already distinguish shoulders and forearms, and legs that look like fins. Fingertips are not yet divided among themselves.

At the 7-week gestation period, the development of the internal organs of the fetus takes place by leaps and bounds. The intestine, appendix, endocrine system and, in particular, the thyroid gland are formed. The lungs appear bronchial rudiments.

The blood circulation system of the child also undergoes major changes. Now all the nutrients your baby will receive from the mother's blood through the placenta, which detains toxic substances, which means that the crumb becomes much more protected. In addition, the fetus begins to develop red blood cells - erythrocytes, carrying oxygen to all of its organs.

At the period of 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus will continue no less intensively, its size will be about 15-20 mm, and the weight will reach 3 grams.