Tantum Verde during pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnant women are also sick. And if diseases and infections of various kinds in the ordinary state are treated with a course of medicines, then during pregnancy, treatment becomes a real problem. The list of medications allowed for pregnant women is severely limited, and their intake should be monitored by the attending physician. Tantum Verde during pregnancy is one of the few drugs that can cope with inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat.

About the preparation

Tantum Verde is a drug whose main active ingredient is benzidamine hydrochloride. The drug is prescribed in the complex treatment of oral diseases and ENT organs: tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, pharyngitis and others. Tantum Verde comes in the form of candies, a spray, a rinse and gel solution, which is effective in varicose veins in pregnant women .

According to the instructions of Tantum Verde during pregnancy is not prohibited, so it can be used at any time, as well as during breastfeeding. It is worth noting that, despite the relative safety of the drug, there is no precise data on the effect of the drug on the fetus. Therefore, Tantum Verde should be taken exclusively on the instructions of a doctor, strictly observing the dosage.

Features of the Tantum Verde for pregnant women

The drug Tantum Verde, developed in Italy, has already earned recognition of our doctors as an effective tool in the fight against infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and ENT organs. The agent prevents the production of biologically active substances, which provoke inflammatory processes, and also strengthens the walls of cells and vessels.

Tantum Verde can be during pregnancy at any time, but still there are several nuances that you have to consider. For example, tablets (candy) Tantum Verde during pregnancy is better to exclude, it is also forbidden to use the drug for syringing.

As a rule, during pregnancy, Tantum Verde spray and rinse liquid are prescribed. In any case, you must strictly follow the dosage and make sure that the drug does not get into the body, in particular, do not swallow the rinse solution.

Features of reception and contraindications

Admission Tantum Verde during pregnancy has a lot of positive reviews, but, as with any other drug, the remedy has some contraindications. Among the most common side effects: headache, nausea, upset stomach, heart palpitations, lethargy, drowsiness. In rare cases, Tantum Verde causes bleeding of the stomach and gums, anemia, skin rash, and Quincke's edema .

Tantum Verde is contraindicated in ulcers, bronchial asthma and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Of course, do not forget about the individual intolerance to the components of the drug and a possible allergic reaction. If you notice a worsening of the state of health or at least one of the listed symptoms, the Tantum Verde should be stopped.

A solution of Tantum Verde is used to rinse the throat and mouth 15 ml to three times a day. It is worth noting that in the treatment of inflammatory processes apply undiluted solution. The spray can be used up to 8 times a day - every 2-3 hours. Doctors do not recommend taking the drug for more than 7 days. In addition, Tantum Verde is not used as an independent drug, and is prescribed only in complex therapy.