Parsley - useful properties

Probably parsley could take the leading position in the list of the most popular condiments in the countries of the world, but due to the fact that such statistics are not yet available, parsley remains inglorious. Meanwhile, its prevalence on all continents does not at all testify to the reputation of "simpleton". Parsley is very useful, both for those who lose weight, and for those who are not puzzled by this misfortune.

Useful properties of parsley

Of course, about what the useful properties of parsley, first of all, its composition shows:

On 85% parsley consists of water, and its caloric content pleases the eye, but not the stomach - 49 kcal per 100 g of product.

The main useful property of parsley is the prevention and treatment of beriberi, including the unpleasant consequences of a lack of vitamins, such as bleeding gums. The beauty of parsley, in this case, is that unlike most fruits and vegetables, it is available and vitamin-rich all year round. Moreover, vitamins in parsley remain in frozen, and in dried, and even in a thermally processed form.

In addition, it is recommended to people with stomach diseases, anemia, as well as with problems with the genitourinary system. In this case, parsley is equally curative for both men and women. Useful properties of parsley affect menstruation and PMS - parsley normalizes the cycle and relieves the pain that occurs before menstruation.

For men, parsley is useful both internally and externally. Useful properties of tea from parsley act on a strong half of humanity, like an aphrodisiac, strengthening the sexual desire. In addition, this drink also eliminates the hangover. But the external application of parsley helps men to fight with hair loss.

Diet and parsley

Most diets do not do without parsley, although we do not notice this influence at all. We add it to diet salads, soups, fresh, but somehow we do not focus our attention on its effectiveness. Now we offer you several ways that demonstrate the useful properties of parsley for weight loss.

First of all, this is a one-day diet on parsley . The essence of the diet is unloading on a special drink containing parsley.

Drink from parsley



Dill and parsley is ground in a mortar into a gruel, cucumber is peeled and passed through a juicer, squeezed juice from the lemon by hand. Mix the juice of cucumber, lemon and gruel from herbs. In the summer, you can add a little ice.

This is the proportion of 1 glass of a so-called cocktail. In a day, all that you eat is 3-4 glasses of a drink.

Parsley tea



In a saucepan, boil water, add parsley leaves and boil for 5 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered and drunk hot or chilled before eating.

Tea from parsley is taken to normalize digestion.

Gentle diet on parsley

This method of losing weight can also be called a weekend diet, when you can devote yourself and your diet all day. The diet of the diet on parsley is as follows:

This diet can be modified and stretched even for a week. The truth is much more effective will be the transition to a balanced diet and the addition of parsley to all sorts of dishes - soups, cereals, salads, side dishes and snacks.