Cake "Three Chocolates"

Lovers of chocolate, this article is for you! Now we will tell you how to make a cake "Three Chocolates". It is not difficult to cook, but it takes time. But it's worth it, the taste of the cake is simply delicious.

Cake "Three Chocolates" - recipe


For the test:

For mousses:


Gently break the eggs so that you can separate the proteins and yolks. Softened butter mixed with sugar (50 g) and rubbed. Add the melted chocolate, and then one by one introduce yolks, thoroughly mixing the mass. After that, pour the flour and baking powder. Proteins (preferably if they are chilled) whisk together with salt and the rest of the sugar until a dense mass. The protein mixture is added to the dough and gently mixed, so that the mass does not opal. We spread the dough into a detachable shape with a diameter of 24 cm and put it in an oven with a temperature of 170 ° C. After 25 minutes, the biscuit will be ready. When it completely cools down, we proceed to further design the cake.

So, the cake has completely cooled down, again we place it in the form where it was baked, and from the foil we make high bows, as a continuation of the form. The biscuit itself is sprayed with 30 ml of cognac. We put the biscuit into the freezer for half an hour. And at this time we proceed to prepare mousse. To do this, gelatin is bred in cream (50 ml). Leave for 20 minutes for swelling. Whip the cream into a lather. Black chocolate is melted with 30 g of butter. Add 1/3 of the gelatin mass and warm up to dissolve the gelatin, but do not boil. Cool the mass to room temperature, add 1/3 cream and 15 ml cognac. Stir and pour the chocolate biscuit with mousse . We send it to the freezer for 15 minutes. In the meantime, we are preparing mousse from milk chocolate for the same technology. Now take out the biscuit form from the freezer and the resulting mousse is poured onto the previous layer. Again put in the freezer for 15 minutes. We prepare mousse from white chocolate. And also fill the previous layer with it. Again, put the cake-mousse "three chocolate" in the freezer for 15 minutes, and then take it out, remove the foil and put it into the table after 15 minutes.

Cheese cake "Three Chocolates"


For the curd base:

For "black" mousse:

For "milk" mousse:

For "white" mousse:


Gelatin fill with water, and then, when it swells, melt. Beat the Philadelphia cheese with sugar for about 3 minutes - during this time the sugar should completely dissolve. In the end, we introduce melted gelatin. Cheese for the time being set aside and melt the chocolate, each separately. In the melted chocolate we enter the cheese mass, mix it and then add the whipped cream. Now take the shape of a diameter of 22 cm, at the bottom of which we put a chocolate biscuit, and on top of it we put chocolate mousse . We put it in the refrigerator until it freezes. The second layer is poured mousse from milk chocolate, cooked in the same way. Again put it to freeze in the refrigerator. And at the end we pour out the "white" mousse. Before serving, the cake should stand for 3 hours in the refrigerator.

How to decorate the cake "Three Chocolates" - it's only a matter of taste. You can use ready-made chocolate figurines or chocolate chips. And you can melt the chocolate and make any pattern.