The size of the liver - the norm in an adult

The health of the liver is always reflected in its size. With the majority of viral and bacteriological infections, this organ increases due to inflammatory and degenerative processes in the parenchyma. Therefore, it is important to know exactly the size of the liver - the norm in an adult has long been established in medical practice, any deviations from these indicators indicate the presence of the disease.

Is the norm of liver size different in women and men?

The reference values ​​for adults do not depend on sex, so the normal size of the organ under consideration in women and men is approximately the same. It is worth noting that the indicators do not affect the age, weight, or height of the patient.

Norm of liver size in an adult

To determine the values ​​described, an ultrasound should be performed.

The dimensions of the liver are normal for the right lobe of the organ as follows:

The total length of the liver should be at least 14, but not more than 18 cm, and the diameter - from 20.1 to 22.5 cm.

The norm of liver size on ultrasound for the left lobe:

It is worth noting that it is important to establish additional parameters during the survey:

The indicated diameter values ​​are given for inspiration studies. During exhalation, they are slightly lower.

During the ultrasound, it is important to assess not only the size of the liver, but also the structure of its tissue, the condition of the parenchyma , the clarity of the contours and the location of the organ.

The norm of liver size according to Kurlov

The described technique involves palpation (finger) examination of the liver, which is also called the evaluation of hepatic dullness. Initially, the entire area of ​​the organ localization is taped, when a deaf sound is detected, the distance between two points of the lower and upper border of the dullness of the liver is measured. You must use straight vertical lines.

Dimensions by M.G. Kurlov: