Chest pain when feeding

Often, having given birth to a baby, a nursing mother feels a pain in her chest while feeding. It is this problem that forces women to abandon the natural feeding of newborns and to opt for artificial mixtures. In order not to bring the situation to extremes, even with minor pain in the chest during feeding, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Unfortunately, modern women prefer not to pay attention to what the chest hurts during feeding, as they think that this is a normal phenomenon that will soon pass. But suddenly there was a pain in the chest - quite an alarming symptom.

There are several reasons why the chest hurts when feeding:

  1. Pain in the chest during the first few days of feeding can appear due to milk overflow of milk lobules and lactostasis (milk stagnation).
  2. The chest hurts during feeding and because of the irregular shape of the nipples. If they are too small, flat, retracted, it is almost impossible to avoid difficulties during the feeding of the baby. With flat nipples, it is recommended to massage them daily two weeks before the forthcoming birth. In this case, the flat nipples should be carefully pulled out with your fingers.
  3. It is easy to obstruct breastfeeding of a crack on the nipples. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to wean the baby very carefully, immediately after he stops sucking movements. If the baby clamps the nipple tightly with his mouth, do not try to force it out, just put your little finger gently into the corner of the child's mouth and gently release the breast. To treat breastfeeding with existing cracks on the nipples was successful and effective, use a special cream. After feeding, lubricate the nipple with the remaining drop of breast milk and allow the breast to air dry. To reduce the pain that occurs when feeding, use the lining on the chest. If the cracks are deep and do not heal for a long time, you should stop breastfeeding for several days.
  4. The reason that the mammary gland is affected by breastfeeding can be associated with an incorrect attachment to the baby's breast. Usually, breastfeeding is taught to women in the hospital. If you are unable to obtain the necessary information for any reason, you can get advice on this issue from an obstetrician-gynecologist or mammologist.
  5. If you violate the rules of hygiene of the breast a woman will certainly notice that the breast gland is hurting during feeding. To prevent this can be the wearing of special bras for nursing, as well as the refusal to use chemical detergents, overdrying the nipples.