White discharge from the vagina

Vaginal discharge of white color (the so-called "whites") is a common problem that every woman encounters at least once in her life. When this situation arises, naturally, there is excitement, and women hurry to the doctor. However, in certain cases, white vaginal discharge can be considered the norm. Let's consider such situations.

Beli can be the norm

Doctors consider a white vaginal discharge normal if:

When white vaginal discharge should alert?

If vaginal discharge becomes more dense than usual, get an unpleasant odor or change color, then you should consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a disease.

White thick discharge from the vagina is characteristic, as a rule, for candidiasis - a disease better known as thrush. With candidiasis, leucorrhoea is not the only symptom, as they are accompanied by swelling of the genitals, itching and even burning at the entrance to the vagina. Allocations usually look like cottage cheese, they have a sour smell.

White discharge from the vagina, itching may be signs of trichomoniasis. A distinctive feature of this disease is the foamy character of the leucorrhoea, a greyish-yellowish hue.

Abundant white discharge from the vagina is often the main symptom of bacterial vaginosis . With this disease, a woman is tormented by a fishy smell from the vagina, white discharge with a yellowish tinge.

Vaccination from the vagina of white can also be with ureaplasmosis, chlamydia or mycoplasmosis, but they are not as pronounced as, for example, with thrush.

White discharge from the vagina sometimes accompanies certain pathologies of the uterus and cervix. That's why doctors almost always prescribe tests for cytology (to identify atypical cells), and also conduct a colposcopic examination that allows you to examine the vagina under a microscope.

To understand the nature of the secretions, you must also exclude diabetes mellitus from the list of possible causes.

Remember that secretions very often go away by themselves, as soon as a woman begins to observe all the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to correctly make toilet of female organs, to wash in the right direction (exclusively from the front back), using simple water without soap.

Frequent syringing also contributes to the death of beneficial bacteria and the proliferation of bacteria dangerous, and therefore they must be abandoned. If compliance with these rules does not work, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause of leucorrhoea.

It is also important to note that white discharge from the vagina can be an external manifestation of allergy. At present, women often display an atypical reaction to latex, from which condoms are made, to soaps, gels and lubricants.

Take care of your health - contact a gynecologist in time to stop the disease. Modern methods of treatment can get rid of unpleasant manifestations of female disease within a few days after the start of treatment.