How to cook eggs so that they do not crack?

Very often even the most experienced housewives fail when cooking chicken eggs. The shell simply cracks, which often entails the flow of protein into the water and, as a consequence, spoilage of the product. It's good if the eggs were meant for adding in a crushed form to a salad or any other dish. But if, say, you boil eggs as a traditional treat for Easter or for stuffing, where the shape of the egg and the integrity of the shell is indisputably important, then such an incident causes considerable upset.

So how to cook eggs correctly so that they do not crack and are easily cleaned? Today we will try to talk as much as possible in detail about all the nuances of cooking boiled eggs and consider the factors that are the cause of uncontrolled violation of the integrity of the egg shell during cooking.

How to cook eggs without cracking?

Why does the eggshell burst when cooking? First, it is necessary to take into account that there is a probability of acquiring eggs that have received during the transport process a small microcrack that is invisible to our eye, which when exposed to an aqueous boiling medium is maximized and becomes apparent. In this case, one can only minimize the probability of the protein flowing into the water, which is achieved by the well-known all generous salting of water. To be faithful, you can also add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the pan, which also becomes an excellent barrier to protein.

The second reason why an egg can burst is the difference in temperature values ​​inside the egg and the water into which it is immersed for cooking. If, say, to put boiling water in an egg from a refrigerator, then the probability that it will burst is large enough. From this it follows that before cooking, the product needs to be warmed up a bit by placing it in warm water. And it is even more reliable to sustain eggs at room temperature for about two hours and place them for cooking initially in a pan with salted generously at room temperature. Next, place the container on a strong fire and at the first signs of boiling reduce the intensity of heat to a minimum. To get soft-boiled eggs, they should be cooked for three minutes, in a bag - five, and hard-boiled - seven.

An important factor affecting the integrity of the integrity of the shell is its thickness. If eggs of inadequate quality are obtained from laying hens that are kept in violation of certain requirements in feeding, the probability of a decrease in the density and thickness of the eggshell is very high, which is the consequence of negative consequences during cooking.

There is also a theory that eggs burst because of increased pressure when cooking in an air cushion located at the blunt end of the egg. Supporters of this theory recommend piercing a needle shell in this area. But statistics show that the probability that the egg will remain intact, say, if, say, the temperature requirements are not maintained, is minimal.

How to cook eggs so they can be easily cleaned?

Well, you also learned how to boil the eggs so that they do not crack, and you managed to preserve their integrity. And now about what needs to be done so that they can be easily cleaned.

Boiling eggs to the desired degree of preparedness, it is necessary to catch them with a spoon or spoon and immediately put in a container of cold water for a minute and preferably in addition to running water. After that, leave the eggs in a bowl with cold water for a further three minutes until completely cool, because while they are hot, they continue to acquire a density and can lose the desired consistency.