Funchoza with vegetables - delicious recipes for hot dishes, salads and snacks

Funchoza with vegetables - a dish cooked on the basis of bean noodles, which is also called "glass" or "cellophane". This versatile, popular in the Asian cuisine ingredient is used for cooking hot dishes of styre-frai in a wok and even salads. Some of the variations of the latter will be considered in the following recipes.

How to cook stuffed with vegetables?

Funchoza with vegetables - a recipe for cooking with which you can quickly and easily create a piquant Asian food. The technology is simple: noodles are cooked for a few minutes and combined with thinly sliced ​​vegetables and sweet and sour marinade. Vegetable components, like sauce, can vary, which ensures a variety of tastes.



  1. Pour the noodles with boiling water for 7 minutes.
  2. For sauce, combine the butter, soy sauce and vinegar.
  3. Carrots, cucumber and peppers cut and season with sauce.
  4. Add the noodles.

Funchos with chicken and vegetables - recipe

Funchoza with chicken and vegetables is a bright representative of rich complex dishes, which contains the necessary nutrients, perfect taste and excellent dietary qualities. Transparent noodles, chicken and vegetables - a trio rich in protein and healthy carbohydrates and perfectly complementing each other.



  1. Cut the fillets, fry.
  2. Cook the beans.
  3. Put noodles in boiling water for 7 minutes.
  4. Carrot and pepper in a pan, add the garlic.
  5. Mix the vegetables with meat, add the noodles.
  6. Funchoza chicken with vegetables is seasoned with oil and vinegar.

Funchoza with champignons and vegetables

Funchoza with mushrooms and vegetables - lean and light salad, able to satisfy the fans of a healthy diet. Traditionally, mushrooms are served raw, but since the dish is adapted to European cuisine, they are pre-fried. In this recipe, pre-treatment only enhances their taste, as noodles and cabbage are neutral.



  1. Funchozu pour hot water for 7 minutes.
  2. Shred the carrots and cabbage.
  3. Fry the onion slices with mushrooms.
  4. Whisk the soy sauce, mustard, juice and butter - dressing for salad with fuchozoi and vegetables is ready, it remains to pour it over the salad.

Recipe for fucus with beef and vegetables

Funchoza with beef and vegetables - traditional Asian hot, in which meat product is given special attention. You should choose lean meat: it is perfect for such dishes, since it does not require pickling and does not contain harmful fats, and fast roasting retains juiciness, nutritional value and expressive taste.



  1. Preparation of fruit with vegetables requires a thin cutting of the latter.
  2. Cut and fry the meat.
  3. Add the vegetables, garlic and soy sauce.
  4. Funchozu pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse and mix with vegetables.
  6. Funchoza meat with vegetables - a hot dish and served immediately.

Funchoso with vegetables and shrimps - recipe

Funchoza with shrimps and vegetables is one of the most popular combinations of Asian cuisine, in which it is not easy to achieve perfection. Shrimps, like fuchoza, are not expressive to taste, and therefore require sauces, spices and culinary experiments. So, roasting on sesame oil with spicy pepper will add spice, and soy sauce - minds, that is, a pleasant taste.



  1. Funchozu pour boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Shrimp and peel.
  3. Carrot and pepper fry in oil together with chili.
  4. Add shrimp, noodles, pour in the sauce.
  5. Funchoza with vegetables served decorated with sesame seeds.

Funchoza with pork and vegetables

Funchoza with meat and vegetables - tasty, spicy and able to complement the variety of recipes for pork. The most common involves pickling in sauces and spices for four hours. When roasting, meat not only becomes softer, but also retains its taste for long periods of storage, which is very important because the dish is prepared for future use.



  1. Honey and sauce mix.
  2. Marinate the meat for 4 hours.
  3. Cut vegetables, add sauce and sugar.
  4. Funchosa, boil it.
  5. Fry the meat in the marinade.
  6. All combine and mix.

Funchoza with vegetables and seafood - recipe

Funchoza with seafood and vegetables - light and nutritious salad, able to diversify the diet menu. This snack refers to the category of food that is better prepared in advance. Over time, the components are exchanged juices and become more saturated and aromatic. This dish is best served after a few hours.



  1. Funchosa, boil it.
  2. Shake the sea cocktail.
  3. Pepper cut into strips.
  4. Whisk the butter, lemon juice, ginger and garlic.
  5. Mix all components, fill.

Funchoza with vegetables in a wok

Funchoza fried with vegetables in a wok - a traditional cooking technique in Asian cuisine, feature of which is a quick frying in a special frying pan. Thanks to this method, vegetables get a slightly crispy texture from the outside, juiciness inside and preserve the vitamin composition, which allows to classify the dish as a series of useful ones.



  1. Funchosa, boil it.
  2. Vegetables slice and fry over high heat for 1 minute.
  3. Add the noodles, season, mix.

Recipe for fruit with vegetables in Korean

Funchoza with vegetables in Korean - a dish that will be appreciated by fans of piquant Asian food. Refreshing salad is prepared simply: you only need to thinly chop the vegetables, mix them with the marinade and leave for a few hours. The peculiarity of snacks is that it can be eaten either in an hour or a week. In the latter case, the taste will only become more intense.



  1. Funchosa, boil it.
  2. Carrots grate for Korean carrots.
  3. Pepper and cucumber thinly cut.
  4. Vegetables and noodles mix, add sugar, oil, vinegar and garlic.
  5. Funchoza with vegetables marinated for 6 hours.

Salad with fungi and vegetables

Salad from fuchsoza with chicken and vegetables will replace the bored mayonnaise monotony of the festive table and surprise with a fresh, piquant taste. A light and nutritious dish has dietary properties, which is especially appropriate for abundant, calorie feasts, and its simple and quick preparation is a way to forget about the long efforts with traditional food.



  1. Cut the fillets finely and fry.
  2. Add pepper and beans.
  3. Funchosa, boil, add to meat and vegetables.
  4. Season with sauce and vinegar.