Millet porridge in a pot

Millet porridge is the food of our ancestors, which has not left our tables for more than a hundred years. Once poor people's food, now it, like many culinary heritage, is served on the tables of families with different incomes, from which its recipes continue to be rooted to this day.

It's no secret that the most delicious cereals are obtained in a pot. Slowly hardened croup is obtained crumbly and fragrant, thanks to this the pysanka becomes even more delicious.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot



Before cooking, millet porridge must be touched and rinsed to clean water. Afterwards, it is customary to pour the rump with boiling water so that it does not boil after cooking.

Pumpkin is cleaned, washing and bake in the oven until soft. Pumpkin pulp put in a blender and grind in puree together with honey, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Do not worry, if mashed potatoes are too spicy, it should be, because after cooking a part of the spices will go to mush.

Now the pear can be laid out on the bottom of the pot and filled with water. Depending on what consistency of porridge you prefer, depends on the amount of fluid that you fill the croup.

After the water, we add a spicy pumpkin puree to the pot. Cover the container with a lid or foil, and put in a preheated oven for 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Millet porridge in a pot, cooked in the oven, ready! It only remains to serve it with honey and nuts.

Recipe millet porridge in a pot

Below, we will tell you a more modernized recipe for millet porridge on milk, it will be useful for vegans, adherents of a healthy lifestyle or simply culinary experimenters. If you do not relate yourself to anyone, from the earlier presented - prepare the porridge with plain cow's milk or cream.



Pretended washed, dried and boiled millet porridge spread on pots.

In a small saucepan, mix almond and coconut milk with vanilla extract, sweeteners and spices. Warm up and pour a mixture of porridge. We put the pots in the oven heated to 160 degrees. Millet porridge on milk in a pot will be ready after 15-20 minutes. Serve with nuts and coconut chips.