Why do children eat bugs from the nose?

A bad habit to pick out dried dried goats from the nose is very common in young children. Sometimes this obsessive movement persists to a conscious adult age. Nevertheless, from the point of view of physiology, the habit of picking one's nose is just cleaning it. When a dried crust forms in the nose, the person's breathing becomes difficult, and he wants to clean the nasal cavity by any possible means and breathe freely.

Many parents at the same time notice that their child not only peels the bugs from the nose, but also eats them. Moms and dads are very worried about such a bad habit of their baby and punish the crumb if he does so. Meanwhile, it is worthwhile to understand why children eat buckwheat from the nose, and whether they should be scolded for it.

Why do children eat goats?

In fact, there is nothing terrible in this harmful habit, because the child thus only knows the world. Each kid sooner or later always thinks about where the bugs appear in his nose, and what they consist of. Unconsciously removing the dried crust from its nostril, the child can taste it to try to understand where it came from.

In the future, such an obsessive movement will repeat itself simply from boredom or from nothing to do. In a situation where the breath of crumbs becomes difficult, he automatically starts picking his nose and eating his contents, just without thinking.

What should I do if my baby eats bugs?

Most moms and dads, for the first time noticing the habit of eating gnats from their child, immediately think how to wean them. In fact, this is practically a useless occupation, as, as is known, children, on the contrary, will necessarily do what parents scold them for. Especially since most kids themselves quickly outgrow this habit .

Meanwhile, it is necessary to monitor the level of air humidity in the room where the child is, after all, if the bowels constantly appear in the nose, then your baby is breathing too dry air. As often as possible, ventilate the children's room, use a humidifier, and be sure, in any weather, walk with the child on the street.

If the compulsive movement does not disappear, despite the absence of a cold, try to distract the child, do finger games with him , collect puzzles and designers. In no case do not abuse the baby - so you just aggravate the situation.