How to learn to kiss the first time?

The first kiss is an event long awaited and always exciting. Both partners for the first time tushuyutsya each other, because you want to kiss, but how to do it right - you do not know. The more embarrassment, the more awkward the movements and the crumpled sensations of the process that should be enjoyed. About how to learn to kiss the first time, we'll tell in this article.

How to learn to kiss a girl with a boy?

This question often tortures young girls, although, in fact, should not. Girls in this regard is easier - the partner leads, and you just repeat the movements and get pleasure. The main thing, at whatever age you are, do not be shy about your inability to kiss. A smart guy will appreciate the opportunity to "be the first" in such a delicate matter. But the boys in the first kiss is much more difficult

How to learn to kiss on the lips for the first time?

Overcome your embarrassment. This is especially true of the male. The fact is that sometimes boys in every way delay the moment of a kiss, not daring to begin. If a girl looks and does not take her eyes off - this is a sure sign that she is ready for a kiss. Relax is much easier in a relaxed, but romantic atmosphere. In the twilight, people look more attractive, and the sensations exacerbate to the limit.

The important point of any kiss is breathing. Unpleasant smell from the mouth involuntarily will reject any partner. Naturally, smoked flavor will not please anyone. Chewing gum or apple slice will save the situation, although it would be best to brush your teeth.

Remember that a kiss is not just a movement of the lips and tongue. Pleasant words, fingering of hair, stroking the head, shoulders play an important role in the kiss.

Do not make sudden movements. Neither you nor your girlfriend or boyfriend is in any hurry. Surrender to your feelings and feelings without unnecessary fuss.

How to learn to kiss in French?

If you describe the dry technique of the French kiss, it looks like this: after gentle mutually biting of the lips, one of the partners penetrates the tongue into the mouth of the other (neatly and aggressively). Touch the tip of your tongue against the tongue of the partner, making soft, unobtrusive movements. Spend the tongue over the gums and lips. Do not try to do intensive movements - even the lightest touch to such a strong erogenous zone as the tongue can bring unforgettable sensations!

The main mistake in the kiss, which most often is peculiar to guys is selfishness. The boys forget about their girls, naively believing that if they like strong biting, sharp movements and a frantic pace, then it will be pleasant to the partners (although such are found). In a kiss it is very important to focus on the reaction of a partner. If the girl will be unpleasant, then you will feel it - the main thing pay attention and take note. As a rule, in couples who maintain good relations, they will not be ashamed of honesty - one can directly tell each other about their feelings. This behavior leads only to a greater rapprochement and mutual understanding of people.

How to understand if you are good at kissing?

The reaction of the partner will never deceive. If a girl and a boy are pleased with each other, they both will feel it and understand. After all, a kiss is not just technical movements, but first of all feelings, love, shared for two.

How to learn to kiss better? Primary and primary is practice. Just do not constantly think about what and how you do. Experiment, try, come up with something new, your own. Training in such a pleasant affair strengthens relationships, elevates the mood and prolongs life. Girls on the note: especially passionate kisses also help to lose weight.

Enjoy your kisses!