39 weeks of pregnancy - stony stomach

The last weeks of pregnancy for a woman become a real test.

At this time the fetus already weighs 3-3.5 kg, the main weight is on the placenta with the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid . At the end of pregnancy the uterus has a weight of about 10 kg, plus the weight of the mammary glands, additional water in the body and own fat.

Feelings of a woman in 39 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, the uterus weighs all the time on the bladder, causing the woman a continuous desire to run to the toilet. Any movement of the child in the abdomen of the mother feels especially strongly. In 39 weeks of pregnancy, the pressure on the pelvic bone increases, the waist is noisy, but the stomach does not hurt anymore.

A woman is uncomfortable to walk, sit, difficult to lie, she hardly finds a position in which she will be comfortable to fall asleep. At the thirty-ninth week, a woman is very nervous, which is a consequence of changes in her hormonal background and anxiety about the upcoming birth.

To understand when, at last, there will be deliveries, the woman should pay attention to some features of the status to which in particular feelings in the field of a stomach concern.

Belly in 39 weeks of pregnancy

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the uterine tone rises. This condition is inherent in nature for training muscles before childbirth. There may be shooting pains in the pelvis, which are associated with the fact that the baby, trying to find a place in the birth canal, begins to press on the pelvic bones and touch the nerve endings.

The dimensions of the abdomen during this period become especially large. The skin on it stretches and loses its former elasticity, there may be a pigment band, as well as itching and flaking.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels how her stomach becomes firm, as if stony and worries that soon there will be contractions. But you need to know that the mucous plug and amniotic fluid must pass away before the contractions, which can not be missed. Mucous plug is a thick mucus of clear, whitish or yellowish color. The amniotic fluid is almost colorless and has a sweetish odor.

The approach of the birth is also indicated by the abdominal entanglement that occurs in primiparous women at week 39, and those preparing for repeat births - a few days before the birth, or the belly does not fall at all. As the stomach falls, the breathing of the pregnant woman becomes easier.

If in 39 weeks of pregnancy the stomach hurts, this is an indication that there is a stretching of the muscular tissues due to the motor activity of the child who is trying to choose for himself a comfortable position for passage through the birth canal. In this case, the pregnant woman needs to talk with her doctor, who can prescribe a woman taking sedatives. These, so-called training, fights can also be reduced if you take a comfortable position.

Normal irregular pain in the lateral parts of the abdomen, which are not a consequence of physical exertion, is considered to be normal. The other options require a doctor, because they can talk about the various risks of pregnancy.

If the pain is accompanied by a bloody or brownish tinge, then it is necessary to call an ambulance, because such signs indicate a threat of abortion, or premature birth .

If a firm abdomen at 39 weeks of pregnancy delivers a strong discomfort to a woman, the doctor can prescribe to her Candles of Genipral or Papaverin, which help to alleviate this condition, since the hypertonicity of the uterus can be dangerous for the child and lead to premature birth. To facilitate her condition, a woman should sleep better in the position on her side, so that the muscles can relax.