Slide aerobics

There was this direction of aerobics not so long ago. It received its name from a slide (a slip in English) - a special track with a sliding surface and bounding sides on the sides, which has a standard size of 183x61 cm. This direction gives not only aerobic load, but also power.

Movement on the track is similar to the movements of skaters and skiers. It will not be easy at the beginning of classes, especially the first time, until you get used to the path. If you have never skated, then at first there will be work on stability, once this bar is taken, you can move on to more complex combinations with raising and swinging legs, turning the torso.

To practice slide aerobics you will need a special shoe, which fixes the shin well, and on top of such shoes are put on special shoe covers or socks for better gliding along the path.

I would also like to warn the fair sex of herbs, because slide aerobics is just such a simple and fun aerobic look, but in fact it is very traumatic. Therefore, when choosing this type of exercise, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if you have problems with the knees or spine. These aerobics classes are more suitable for women who are determined to bring something new to their sports.

Girls are engaged in such aerobics for good reason, because slide aerobics is considered the most effective means for burning calories and fat deposits, and also easily removes extra centimeters in the hips and pelvis.

The Benefits of Aerobics

It is indisputable that aerobics classes bring a lot of benefits:

It is very important that the music for aerobics is correctly chosen. It should be rhythmic and such that you can keep up with the pace. After all, music in such sports directions is not the background, but sets the general rhythm of the session, and also significantly increases the mood of those involved, because music makes movements more memorable.

Many girls prefer aerobics to other sports due to its activity, rhythm and efficiency. After such exercises you not only increase the tone of the body, but also the mood for the rest of the day.