Pea puree in the multivark

Pea puree is not only very tasty, but also contains many useful minerals and trace elements that our body needs. It can be both the main full-fledged second course, especially when dieting and in lean days, and a delicious side dish to a meat dish. With pea puree, pork, turkey, chicken, beef and rabbit are superbly combined.

Unfortunately, peas are not the kind of cereals from which you can quickly prepare mashed potatoes. Moreover, if you eventually want to get a tasty, not burnt dish, then the rush here is completely useless. But still there is a way out! Preparation of pea puree in a multivark, much easier for you the whole process and significantly reduce the time - do not constantly stir, watch, and you can turn on and calmly do other things. Is not it great? Then let's discuss how to make mashed potatoes in a multivark.

Recipe for pea puree in the multivark



So, first fry the finely chopped onions. To do this, put it in the bowl of the multivark, pour a little vegetable oil and put the program "Baking" for about 30 minutes before the formation of a golden crust. While the onions are being prepared, let us take up the peas. It is best to choose a yellow or cereal green variety. We rinse it thoroughly under running water and pour it so that it is slightly swollen.

When the onion is completely fried, take it out and shift it into a piano. And we place peas in a bowl of multivarkers, fill them with water and send them to prepare, putting out the program "Steaming a couple." After boiling, move the mode to "Quenching" and cook for 50 minutes. Then gently we pour it into a tall glass and whisk thoroughly with a blender until smooth mashed potatoes are obtained. Now we again shift the mass into the multivark, add the onions, salt to taste and cook for the "Quenching" mode for 30 minutes. If you have a multinowork company Panasonic, then pea puree needs to be cooked, put the program "Milk porridge".

Pea puree in a multi-pressure cooker

Pea puree, cooked in a multi-pressure cooker, will preserve all the useful properties and will turn out delicious, tender and surprisingly fragrant.



To make pea puree in a multi-pressure cooker, it is advisable to thoroughly peel the pea crock and soak it in cold water for the night. If you forgot to do this in advance or did not have time, then soak the washed peas in water for at least three hours before cooking the pea puree. After the time has elapsed, carefully drain all the water, rinse the rump again, put the multivark in a bowl and pour it with boiled cold water. We set the "Quenching" mode and cook for about 40 minutes. This time we clean the carrots from the peel and pass through the meat grinder along with the greens and garlic or grind with a blender. We also turn the cooked peas into a homogeneous puree blender and mix with the vegetable mass. Add salt, pepper, favorite spices to taste and mix well. If the pea puree is a bit thick, then dilute it with a small amount of hot water and again whisk thoroughly with a blender.

Well, now you know how to properly and deliciously cook pea puree in a multivark. Enjoy your meal!