How to pump a press at home to a girl?

The belly is one of the most problem zones on the body of girls, so the topic of how to pump the press at home is popular. For training to be effective, it is necessary to deal with all the rules, and most importantly, to know the technique of doing exercises. Remember that it is important not only to pump the press, but also to eat properly, because without this it will not be possible to achieve the result.

How to pump a press at home to a girl?

The muscles of the press are recovering faster than everyone, so it is allowed every day, and if you want you can swing the press and a couple of times a day. The duration of the training is at least 20 minutes. A set of exercises for the press at home should necessarily give a load on the upper, lower and lateral muscles. In this case, the press will develop evenly.

The program for the press at home should be developed taking into account all existing rules:

  1. Start training is only after an hour after eating. It is important that the stomach is empty, because when performing exercises on the press the organ is squeezed, and there may be nausea, heartburn or colic. In case of discomfort, training should be stopped. After the session is not recommended to eat for two hours.
  2. It starts with a warm-up, which will avoid getting injuries, and it also improves the effectiveness of the training. It is best to give preference to cardio. The training should end with a hitch.
  3. Perform each exercise is 15-20 times, making 3 approaches, between which a short rest is allowed.
  4. To get results, it is important to pay attention to breathing . Exhalation should be done at maximum load, and inhaling on relaxation.

Now you can proceed to exercises, which today there are quite a lot, so let's focus on the most effective of them.

The best exercises for the press at home:

  1. Twisting with the raising of the feet gives a load on the muscles of the lower press. Place yourself on your back and grip your hands, for example, on the legs of a table or sofa. Raise your legs slightly bent at the knees, and when they reach the right angle with the floor, you need to raise the pelvis, directing your legs up.
  2. To load both the lower and the upper press, do the following exercise: sit on your back and lift up your straight legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Hands also should be raised so that they are parallel to the legs. You can take one dumbbell to increase the load. The task of the exercise is to reach out to the feet by raising the upper part of the body.
  3. Quickly pump up the press at home to a girl without working out oblique muscles will not work, because such exercises allow you to remove ugly hanging sides. Good results are given by the exercise "Russian twist". Sit on the floor, bending your knees. The upper part of the body should be deflected so that it forms a letter with the thigh line. It is important to find a stable position. Hands stretch forward, folding the palms together, or take in them a dumbbell or pancake from the bar. Exhaling turn the body in one direction while holding hands parallel to the floor. After fixing the position, twist in the other direction.
  4. Well loaded press exercise bar. Take the emphasis lying, while the arms should be bent at the elbows, leaning on the forearms. The body must form a straight line. It is important to keep the press constantly in suspense. Hold the static position for at least half a minute. Raise one leg to increase the load.