Prune Peeling

In order for the harvest to be richer, experienced gardeners recommend peeling pruning. This ensures correct and full access to light for the plant, and this, in turn, increases the quantity and quality of the fruit.

The structure of peach tree

All branches of a peach tree are divided into:

Most of the crop is removed from annual and bouquet branches. Generative also has fruits, but they are usually small.

Nutrients move along the trunk itself and vertical branches. This explains why the bottom of the fruit tree, and afterwards the branches, is very small.

How correctly to cut a peach?

Because of the peculiarities of the movement of nutrients, when pruning, the peach is best formed with a bush. This shape allows all branches to get enough sunlight, because a peach tree is a very light-loving plant.

When to cut a peach and can it be done in the fall? There is a time for each procedure. When pruning fruit peach trees, follow the following rules.

  1. The main pruning of peaches is carried out in the spring. Branches tend to be cut so as to give the crown a cup-shaped shape.
  2. Pruning branches, pay attention to the number of fruiting branches. If there are too many of them, then the skeletal branches will be overloaded and begin to show off. The best method of pruning is to shorten the fruiting branches, to the extent that they have two buds left on them. Growing from these branches shoots, also it is necessary to shorten, having left on two buds on the bottom shoots.
  3. At the uppermost shoot, it is necessary to cut off the top, as if splashing it. This will stimulate a good growth of the lateral branches.
  4. After the removal of fruits, it is worth to spend the autumn pruning of the peach. How to properly cut peach in autumn? For this, the upper branch must be cut off at the very base. From the two shoots emerging from it, cut the top at the top, and the lower one in a familiar way: leaving two buds.
  5. Mixed branches that you can see on the skeletal branches and at the base of the tree, to increase the number of fruits also it makes sense to trim, leaving 6-8 kidneys on them. In some cases, you can not cut all the branches in a row, and do it selectively, leaving between them a sufficient space for growth and light. Depending on the nature of the fruiting of the tree, the number of mixed branches is regulated: abundantly gives fruits - leave about 80 branches, few fruits - you can leave from 100 to 200 branches.
  6. If you notice that the yield of your trees begins to fall, perform "rejuvenating" pruning. To do this, remove all the four-year increments available on the tree. Growing over the summer young twigs in the fall will also need to be removed.

Pruning of a young peach

A properly trimmed young tree will allow you to enjoy its fruits longer and more fully. For this, planting the first peach seedling, you need to follow the rules.

  1. If the seedling already has young shoots (5-8 pieces), then the main conductor should be nipped.
  2. Planting peach in the soil, leave 3-4 shoots, located at the bottom of the plant. All the rest can be safely removed.
  3. In the second year of tree life, select 3-4 shoots and trim them by 1/3 - 1/4 of the length. This must be done in the spring.
  4. All branches that are in the center of the bush, after the third year of life of the tree, should be cut short.
  5. Take for yourself the fact that all the horizontal shoots need to be cut off, they will not bear fruit. And the main branches of the peach should grow at an angle of 45 ° to the ground.

Prune peeling in American technology

In spring, following this technology, you need to remove all side shoots from an annual tree. Tops do not touch and do not shorten. The fruit will grow on them. The next spring we cut fruit-bearing shoots to a normally powerful shoot. That's all the wisdom. Those who tried this technique noticed that collecting peaches from such trees is more convenient, and light with this method of cutting comes much more.