Eggplant caviar for the winter - lick your fingers!

Do not be lazy in the summer and having spent quite a bit of your time, you can prepare eggplant caviar for the winter, so delicious and fragrant that you lick your fingers!

Tasty eggplant caviar for the winter - a simple recipe



There are many ways to prepare eggplant caviar for the winter. This option is one of the simplest and affordable, but at the same time giving an ideal taste.

Eggplants must be washed first, cut into small cubes and pour for fifteen minutes with salted water, dissolving in three liters of liquid, one gram of salt. After soaking, thoroughly rinse the cubes of the vegetable with clean water and squeeze a little. At the same time, we prepare the remaining components for harvesting. Peeled bulbs, as well as tomatoes and pods of Bulgarian sweet and hot pepper shredded cubes, and grated carrots through a medium grater.

Now fry each vegetable separately in a deep frying pan on a sunflower-free oil without fragrance and put it into an enamel saucepan. Add salt and granulated sugar, mix ingredients and after boiling, cook with periodic stirring for forty minutes or until the desired density of caviar is obtained. If you want, you can add a little chopped greens and grated garlic to taste. In conclusion, pour in the vinegar, if desired, turn the caviar in puree with a blender or leave the pieces and put it still hot in advance prepared sterile and dry vessels. After capping and self-sterilization of the eggs under a warm blanket and cooling, we move the tanks to storage in the storeroom to the rest of the workpieces. Caviar is incredibly delicious - well, just lick your fingers!

Ketchic-eggplant caviar for the winter - lick your fingers!



From this recipe you will learn how to make a delicious aubergine caviar for the winter with tomato paste without vinegar. The most useful workpiece will be if you take as a tomato base homemade pasta. The proportions of zucchini and eggplant can be changed as desired or necessary, in any case it will be delicious - you will lick your fingers!

First we prepare the eggplant. They are also necessary as in the previous case to wash, cut into cubes and soak for a short time in salted water. In the meantime, we also prepare zucchini, chopping them in the same manner as the eggplant, as well as peeled onions and carrots, wiping the last on the grater.

Eggplant fuses into a colander, then carefully rinse, washing off the salt, and squeeze well. Now we warm up the sunflower oil without smell in the frying pan, put the onion and carrot mass into it and give it a little brown. We shift the frying pan into a pan or a cauldron, and in the remaining oil lay the eggplant. After the vegetable is browned, we send the mass to the onion with carrots, and in the frying and zucchini, which after that is also sent to the vessel to the rest of the vegetables. We add tomato paste, salt and granulated sugar to the caviar base and let it after boiling on moderate fire for forty minutes. At the end of the fire, we add the garlic teeth squeezed through the press and lay, if desired, melenko chopped greens.

It remains only to turn the caviar with a submerged blender in mashed potatoes, warm a little after this and spread out into jars that must be sterilized and dried in advance. Closing the vessels with a lid, we place them under a warm blanket.