4 month of pregnancy

Almost the middle of pregnancy, namely its 4 month, is characterized by a surge of strength and an improvement in the general well-being of the future mother. As a rule, by this time the manifestations of toxicosis, which do not give rest practically from the first weeks of gestation, disappear. This can not but rejoice enough exhausted nausea, headaches pregnant. Let's take a more detailed look at the 4th month of pregnancy, tell about how the future child develops on such a date and what changes the woman himself marks.

How does mom feel for 4 months?

Before proceeding to the characterization of this gestation period, it is necessary to find out: 4 months of pregnancy, - how many weeks it is and from which week it starts. Four full obstetric months are 16 weeks, and this period begins from the 13th week.

So, by the end of this month, the uterine floor is probed well enough and is set 4-6 cm above the pubic articulation. As the fetus continues to grow and the uterus increases in size, the frequency of urination increases.

The abdomen at 4 months of pregnancy begins to increase significantly in volume, and it is already quite easy to discern. In this case, growth is noted in the lower third; the uterus only extends beyond the small pelvis. It is worth noting that the "lush" women around may not notice a small tummy. If we talk about how the belly looks at 4 months of pregnancy, then everything is individual. In most cases, it does not yet have the usual round shape.

Perhaps the most surprising and long-awaited moment for every future mother is the first movements of her baby. Just by the end of 4 months she can feel them for the first time. However, in most cases, this applies to women of different births. The same pregnant women who are pregnant with the firstborn, the movements are noted, as a rule, closer to the 20th week of gestation. But this is not an exact date, because each pregnancy proceeds in different ways. If, by 5.5 months, the pregnant woman has not heard the perturbations, it is worth informing the doctor and ultrasound.

As for the general well-being of the future mother, then, as already mentioned above, at this time, most women feel some relief. However, there is an increased appetite. However, do not abuse sweets, flour products, tk. this can affect the weight of the pregnant.

What changes are affected by the 4 month gestation?

By this time, the period of laying of the axial organs has been completely completed. The rest of the gestational period the fetus will grow and improve its systems.

Skin covers of the baby at this time are quite thin and through them are clearly visible on the ultrasound of blood vessels. The limbs of the toddler are already grown and are clearly discernible. Moreover, the rudiments of the nail plates appear at the fingertips. The fruit gradually learns to bend and unbend the handles at the elbow joint.

The contours of the face are well defined, but one can not yet say to whom it will look like there is active growth of the skull bones. Ears and eyes occupy a more familiar position, on the surface of the head can be observed the appearance of a cannon.

By this time, the urinary system is actively working. So, approximately every 40-45 minutes the fruit empties the bladder. At the same time, there is an active formation of genital organs. The doctor with the help of the ultrasound apparatus at this time with high accuracy can call the sex of the baby.

At 4 months of pregnancy, the child's relationship with the mother is through the placenta, which ends its maturation by this time period . At the same time, the umbilical cord lengthens, which allows the baby to move more actively. So, when viewed with an ultrasound machine, the baby can move away from the sensor, or from the hands of the doctor when performing palpation of the uterine fundus.

As for the size of the future baby, at this time its growth is already 13-15 cm. For the 4th obstetric month, the body weight of the unborn child increases from 40 to almost 200 g.