Atomic diet - an approximate menu for a week

The nuclear diet, whose approximate menu for a week can be found in this article, is also called a Swiss diet, because it is believed that its developers were from this country. Atomic because it allows just a week to get rid of 5 and more kg, and this is a very good result. For all that, she will not starve, but will allow her to live an ordinary life.

What is the essence?

When drawing up the menu of the atomic diet, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. During the first two days of such a diet, the body has time to squander all the reserves of glycogen and passes to the burning of fatty deposits. So that he does not begin to spend muscle mass, losing weight again "throws in the furnace" so much protein, and the next day cuts the caloric content of the diet, reducing the amount of protein and fat, but increasing the amount of carbohydrates . As a result, glycogen in the liver and muscles is preserved, but fat, consumed to receive energy, is melting in front of eyes.

Menu of the atomic diet for a week

It can be made independently, using on all odd days protein food, and in all even - carbohydrate. And carbohydrate - this does not mean cakes, cakes, bread and other pastries. Once a day, you can afford to cook some cereals, and as the rest of the meals use fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible - mors, tea, compotes, jelly, mineral water without gas.

The approximate menu of the protein day of the atomic diet:

The approximate menu of carbohydrate day:

Of course, the atomic diet can bring not only the benefit of losing weight, but also harm. It should be avoided by diabetics suffering from kidney and digestive tract diseases. In any case, more than a week it should not be adhered to.