Why do teenagers dress in black?

The world around us is a different shade of the seven primary colors of the spectrum and two neutral colors - black and white. The preference for this or that color depends on the personality characteristics of a person, his values-ideological attitudes, emotional state.

Symbols of black color

Historically, black color symbolizes sadness, death. Traditionally, mourning clothes in all European, and in many Asian countries, are black. Also, black is associated with danger and emptiness. In analytical psychology, black expresses disgust for reality, hence its significance - negativism, destructiveness, a message to aggression.

Our clothes are one way of communicating with the world, expressing one's own attitude towards it. Black is a protective color that protects vulnerable, impressionable and insecure people from the excessive attention of others. Why do young people, who, we believe, should enjoy life in all its manifestations, prefer dark black clothes?

The crisis age

Black color is often preferred by people who have experienced deep stress, for them it symbolizes the end of the life stage, the desire to understand their inner world, and, quite likely, to challenge the fate. Traditionally, with bright saturated colors, childhood is associated with us. Children under 10 years of age almost do not choose dark and muted colors in color tests and clothes. Perhaps that is why teenagers emphasize in black: "Childhood is left in the past. I became an adult! "

Adolescence is the time when the organism changes, and consciousness changes in parallel. The child, leaving from the care of parents, faces a difficult real world, in which there is meanness, betrayal, money-grubbing. The teenager begins to clearly realize that life is finite, death is the natural end of earthly existence. In addition, the maturing child begins to search for his own "I", tries to assert himself among peers, whose opinion becomes more important to him than the opinion of parents and teachers.

We have to admit that the peer group for a teenager takes a priority position. At the same time, the young man, on the one hand, is in search of his individuality and assertion in independence, and on the other hand, he most yearns for unity, understanding. Therefore, black color, helping to feel protected, creates a sense of community with a group of similar people.

Usually, with the end of the youthful stage of throwing and confusion, which is fundamental in the formation of personality, the time of perception of the multicolored world also comes. By the age of 19-20, people begin to feel their worth, and gloomy clothes leave the wardrobe, so parents of teenagers most often should not attach special importance to the prevalence of black in the clothes of a son or daughter.

When should you be alert?

But sometimes a persistent choice of black color can be an indication of the attitude towards a particular youth subculture.



Black color in clothes is diluted with pink; hairstyle - oblique long torn bangs, rear hair short; piercings on the face and other parts of the body; the eyes are densely summed up and made up for both girls and boys; nails are covered with dark varnish. Often in a suit there are rims with bows, bracelets, big glasses, beads, soft toys-talismans.

Features of the world view

The emotional attitude to everything, mainly to death, is propagated. The main idea is self-hatred, which often provokes suicidal tendencies .



Just like emo dye your eyes and nails black. Clothing is completely black, underlined sexuality: corsets, latex, leather, transparent or lacy fabrics, as well as velvet. In attire there is "medievalism" - like elaborate headdresses, veils, feathers, large buckles, etc.

Features of the world view

Depressive attitude to life is inherent in Goths, but unlike emo, they hate the world around them, adore everything connected with cemeteries and vampires. Sometimes gothic groups propagate occultism (right up to Satanism), homosexuality and bisexualism, neo-fascism. There are cases of vandalism in cemeteries and in holy places, mockery of animals.

Anecdotal Anorexia

Sometimes the constant choice of black in the clothes signals that the teenager is overly concerned about weight. Parents should be careful about what and how much their child eats, whether he has any problems about the imperfection of his own figure.

A teenager needs attention not less than a small child. But sensitivity in the relationship should not grow into custody. In time, direct the child to positive manifestations of personality, helping him to realize his own inclinations and interests, through visiting circles, studios, sports sections. It is equally important to organize a full-time pastime: traveling, visiting the theater, concerts, etc.