How to consecrate an apartment yourself?

There are times when a person, being in his home, feels uncomfortable and unhappy. Sometimes people complain that they feel the presence of some kind of spirits and creatures. In this case, to restore the normal energy background, it is recommended to consecrate the house or apartment correctly, as holy water destroys all negativity and discourages evil spirits. For this, it is not necessary to invite a priest, since the ritual can be held independently.

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with candles?

Ritual is recommended to be held on Thursday. Go to the church , put three candles near the icon of St. Nicholas and say these words:

"Wonderworker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen".

Buy a few candles home. When you come home, light a candle and walk around the house, coming to all corners. You need to do this clockwise. To properly consecrate an apartment you need prayer, since these words drive out evil spirits and purify the space, but it sounds like this:

"I clean the corner, clean the floor, clean the ceiling and walls. I drive demons, I drive envy. I burn the candle of illness, illness and misfortune. Amen".

The candle is recommended to baptize corners and walls. If the fire began to crackle - it is a signal about the presence of negative energy, at such an angle it is recommended to stay longer. Repeat the ritual three Thursdays in a row. It is important in these days not to forget to visit the church and put candles at the icon of St. Nicholas. In a month you can already notice that the atmosphere in the house has become more cozy.

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with water?

To perform the ritual, holy water, a new cup, an icon and a lamp will be needed. Sacred water can be taken in the church or consecrated by yourself. Before that, it is recommended that you receive a blessing from your father. In advance on Saturday, you need to do a spring cleaning. In the largest room, for at least a day, it is worthwhile placing an icon with a lamp in the corner opposite the entrance. In general, it is recommended to prepare yourself beforehand for the ritual, that is, not to drink alcohol , not to swear and regularly pray. It is necessary to start the consecration on Sunday. It is important to carry out the ritual in a proper way: a woman must necessarily wear a skirt below the knees, a strict blouse and a headscarf. Do not forget about the cross. Best of all, if during the ritual, all tenants will be at home. To begin the ritual is necessary only with a pure soul and faith. Having typed water in a new bowl, and having dipped in it three fingers, combined by a pinch, it is necessary to start to spray the premises, starting from the corner where the icon stands. You need to move clockwise. To consecrate an apartment with holy water yourself, say this prayer:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling water, let the sacred go to flight and turn every wicked demonic act, Amen."

If the most blessed apartment did not work, as there is a feeling of heaviness, it is best to invite a priest who will conduct the ritual correctly, observing all traditions.