Conspiracy to love the Trinity

For many of the fair sex, the Trinity is not only a sacred holiday, but also an ideal time to conduct rituals that will change the situation in your personal life. There are different conspiracies for the love of a man in the Trinity, which will help attract the man he likes, return happiness and love , and also preserve feelings. All rituals are united by the fact that a person should have an unshakable faith in the result, as well as a pure heart and sincere intentions.

Plots of love for the Trinity

Many lonely girls live only the thought of meeting a worthy companion of life. To find your soul mate, you can use a simple ritual, for which you need to weave a wreath of herbs, which you will find in the yard or on any meadow. Cross it three times, and then, say these words:

"On the field girls go, bouquets are worn, wreaths weave and go into the water. You betrothed a mummer, you have a wreath, bring it to me. Forever and ever. Amen".

The conjured wreath should be thrown into a natural pond, for example, into a river or a lake. Immediately after this, go home without turning around, and do not talk to anyone.

To attract love to the Trinity, it is necessary to remain alone in the house and whisper the words to your window:

"Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my porch, to my doorstep, according to my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, lock, tongue. Amen".

The conspiracy should be read nine times, and it is directed to cause a longing for the man he likes.

Love spell on the Trinity

If the man you like does not show reciprocity, then you can hold a ritual that will cause the object of adoration to return feelings. On the day of the feast, one should go to church and at the first kneeling it is necessary to take scattered green grass from the floor, and it should be done strictly with the left hand. When leaving the temple, be sure to bow to all four sides. Weave a wreath from the brought grass and hang it on the icon. Before you go to sleep a wreath should be spoken, saying these words:

"Without praying to lie down and not being crossed, Lord, forgive me, Christ. Under my head I put a wreath of holy herbs. How these grasses wreathed in a wreath-intertwined, so let the servant of God (name) around me slaves (name) curl, flutter, how the wreath will wither and dry, so let it dry, he grieves for me, God's servant (name), does not eat with food, does not drink with drink, ; at a feast he or at conversation, in a field he or in the house - I would not descend or go from its or his mind-reason. Be my words, they are strong and shaping, stronger than stone and bulat, sharp knife and borzo spear. And the key to my words and affirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the force is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, put a wreath under the pillow, and the next day, dry it and store it for a year.