Psychological stress

At a reception with a therapist or sitting in your kitchen, you realize that you have stress . You become irritable, get tired quickly, do not sleep well. Are you familiar with such symptoms? In this article, we will understand together what psychological stress is and how to deal with it.

Stress is the body's response to an external effect, which is associated with strong negative or positive emotions.

Psychological help in case of stress

It is vitally important for every person to independently bring himself and his emotions into a normal state, therefore, how to remove psychological stress is far from unnecessary knowledge.

  1. The first thing to do when you feel that stress takes possession of you is to drink a glass of water. Even a sip of water will be the impetus for self-recovery of the body.
  2. You can free yourself from nervous tension by switching attention. For example, the standard situation of forcing the situation on the bus. Try to get distracted, say, look at the beautiful view from the window, or remember a pleasant moment from your life. This method will help you relax, reduce tension.
  3. Also, avoidance of a stressful situation will help to remove from the annoying situation. Take the situation when you came to a café to enjoy your favorite coffee, and there is a noisy company, loud music plays, you involuntarily begin to get angry. We advise you to leave this place without delay, and drink coffee on the bench in the park.
  4. Physical labor is an assistant under stress. Go for a run, get fit, clean up the house, do whatever you want, which will require physical strength from you.
  5. Often, psychologists are advised to take a fresh look at the situation that strains you. For example, after quitting your job, you will be able to find a new position with good earnings and schedule, and you will devote more time to yourself and your family.
  6. Psychologists advise that, for psychological protection against stress, one must first of all try to avoid stressful situations.