What are spiritual forces and famous people endowed with great strength of mind

World religions, philosophical teachings answer the question, what is spiritual strength. The immortal human soul expresses the divine essence, but if skeptics, atheists doubt the existence of the soul itself, then the presence of mental strength is not in anyone's doubt. People often feel the recession of mental forces as emptiness, apathy.

Mental forces - what is it?

Soul forces are an internal energy resource of a person, allowing him to cope with difficulties and obstacles, this is a love of life, close people, the ability to cultivate moral and spiritual qualities. A. Camus, the French writer said that spiritual qualities are not given in ready-made form from birth, but are cultivated by man throughout his life.

What is the manifestation of mental powers?

Ability to deeply love, high responsibility, sense of duty to oneself, relatives and society develop strong qualities of the soul. The manifestation of mental forces in people's lives is expressed in different ways:

Why do we need spiritual strength?

In everyday vanity, the psyche of a person experiences a tremendous strain. Soul forces in life, such as perseverance, endurance, willpower - help to develop stress resistance , achieve the desired results, and are important:

Where to get mental strength?

Soul forces can dry out. The prolonged impact of unfavorable factors, the lack of moral support leads to the devastation of the "vessel". Such a person looks broken, unable to display strong feelings: he does not rejoice, does not get angry, can not cry. Where to draw spiritual strength, when they are not even for the performance of everyday affairs:

How to restore mental strength?

The weakening of mental powers can lead to serious health problems, up to the development of persistent depression - this is already a serious reason to consult a doctor. Rapid recovery depends on a number of reasons: character, temperament, depth of problems. It is noticed that melancholic people, in contrast to choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic, most hard restore spiritual strength. Psychologists recommend several ways:

Three forces of the soul - Orthodoxy

What is spiritual strength from the point of view of the Christian religion. The three powers of the soul together constitute its integrity. The Holy Fathers called them:

  1. Beam of will (divine energy, spirituality, striving for beauty).
  2. Ray of feeling (soulfulness, emotion).
  3. The ray of the mind (corporeality, reason, reason).

The theological teachings state that the decline of mental strength results from a violation of balance and incorrect follow-up to the will of God. Returning strength helps:

Famous people with spiritual strength

People with mental powers always attract attention to themselves, can cause conflicting feelings, but more often this respect and admiration. A difficult life path has hardened them, while they have not lost their love of life, kindness and sense of humor:

  1. Mother Teresa - all her life devoted to the destitute. Early rise at 3.30 am - caring for the sick and poor. The highest spiritual strength was love.
  2. Mother Theresa

  3. Yuri Gagarin is a Soviet cosmonaut, he was able to be whole and calm in all difficult situations and charged others with this condition. He took responsibility for the physical education of all the inhabitants of his court, instilled love for sports in his own example.
  4. Yuri Gagarin

  5. Victor Frankl is an Austrian psychiatrist who passed through the Nazi camp in 1942. He awoke people's will to live through logotherapy. Helped to find the meaning of being in inhuman conditions and say life "Yes!".
  6. Viktor Frankl

  7. Nico Vuychich is an Australian speaker who was born with a physical defect (lack of limbs). I fell into despondency and depression several times, tried to commit suicide, but the love of my parents helped Nick find support in himself. His mission is to help other people who are in despair.
  8. Niko Vujicic