Is tea useful with milk?

Despite the fact that tea with the addition of milk is a fairly common drink, and for example, in England, even traditional, scientists still can not unanimously determine whether tea with milk is useful.

What is useful tea with milk?

Scientists have proved that daily tea consumption on milk improves the overall well-being of the person and increases the tone. Tea itself is a source of natural antioxidants, which contains a lot of vitamins. In tea, vitamins of group B, C, PP and microelements, such as potassium, copper , iodine and many others are presented. Using black tea with milk, all these substances are absorbed by the body better. In addition, interacting with milk, tea becomes an effective diuretic. It cleanses the kidneys and removes excess fluid from the body. If milk is added to green tea, such a drink will accelerate the metabolism, remove fat and slag, and as a result will make the figure slimmer.

Thanks to calcium, which is contained in milk, bone tissue strengthens. Tea contains tannins, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and act as prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants, enhanced by the addition of milk in tea, resist the occurrence of malignant tumors. In addition, such a drink will relieve the feeling of fatigue, give strength and energy.

How to prepare tea with milk?

According to English traditions, in a quarter of the tank, first pour in milk, and then add the tea itself. It is in this relationship and consistency that the components of milk and tea are mixed in an optimal way. More useful is tea with milk without added sugar. Sugar spoils both the taste and flavor of tea. Instead of sugar, it is better to take jam and serve it separately.

Is tea with milk harmful?

A research group of scientists from Germany unveiled its studies, which questioned the benefits of tea with milk. According to the results of their studies, tea with milk to drink is harmful, since milk spoils the beneficial properties of tea. However, British scientists refute such statements in every possible way, proving that milk not only does not damage the properties of tea, but also strengthens them several times. Both components do not weaken each other's benefits. In addition, milk helps all substances to be absorbed even easier. And such irritating substances, as tea alkaloids milk even softens.