Signs that you like a man

The character of a man is "another planet": it is often very difficult to understand the feelings of this "alien", especially if he deeply hides them in himself. However, you can still understand, because there are signs that you like a man.

How to understand that you like?

Psychologists say that there are many such signs, with some of them we will get acquainted:

Our life is diverse, and it happens that you are beginning to be given marks of attention by a married man. Of course, not all "zhenatiki" who tell you compliments or throw burning glances after you are in love with you, but there are signs that you like a married man.

Although he is married ...

It should be noted immediately that these signs will directly depend on what the man himself is:

There are other signs that will help to understand that you like a man, these are gestures. Evidence that you are not indifferent to him, if he repeats, copies your favorite or traditional gestures, looks away in embarrassment when you try to look directly into them, tries to take your hand and keep it in yours.